Big Brother: Tom and Jenkin are both evicted, while Jordan is rescued by the public and returns to the house in a dramatic episode

Tom and Jenkin were both evicted from the Big Brother house in Tuesday night’s dramatic episode, while Jordan was saved by the public after the vote.

Jordan later returned to the house, leaving everyone shocked when they appeared in the garden in front of the others at Big Brother’s Last Chance Jail House.

It came after the trio were all sent to the Big Brother guest room following a fake eviction on Monday, leaving the contestants believing they had gone home.

Before leaving the prison, they all had a chance to say final comments to the other housemates after watching them on camera for 48 hours.

Jenkin said, “My opinion of you all has changed.” It feels like I’m watching a children’s show. You all have to stay true to yourselves.’

Bye!  Tom (pictured) and Jenkin were both evicted from the Big Brother house in Tuesday night's dramatic episode, while Jordan was saved by the public after the vote

Bye! Tom (pictured) and Jenkin were both evicted from the Big Brother house in Tuesday night’s dramatic episode, while Jordan was saved by the public after the vote

Saying goodbye: Jenkin (pictured) left the Big Brother house after being voted out by the public

Saying goodbye: Jenkin (pictured) left the Big Brother house after being voted out by the public

Tom added: “It feels like you’re losing each other a little bit now. ‘But I really wish you all the best!’

Jenkin, Jordan and Tom were “evicted” on Monday’s show, leaving their housemates in shock.

In a surprising second, Big Brother informed them that they hadn’t been evicted yet and would instead be staying in the secret guest room.

Big Brother told the “evictees” that “the public will vote to evict two of you.” Only one of you will survive. The surviving housemate will then return to the house.’

As they await their fate in Big Brother’s secret guest room, they have been told they can look after their housemates.

Elsewhere in the episode, Henry was forced to flirt with Matty after giving Jordan a deep kiss as part of a secret task.

Big Brother has been teasing a “love triangle” between Henry, Jordan and Matty throughout the series, and a secret task is set to provide a dramatic development.

Writer Henry and lawyer Jordan, both 25, kissed in the steamy hot tub in Monday’s episode, followed by a secret bedroom smooch.

Popular: Jordan later returned to the house, leaving everyone shocked after appearing in front of the others in the garden on Big Brother's Last Chance Jail House

Popular: Jordan later returned to the house, leaving everyone shocked after appearing in front of the others in the garden on Big Brother’s Last Chance Jail House

Separated: It came after the trio were all sent to the Big Brother guest room following a fake eviction on Monday, leaving the contestants believing they had gone home

Separated: It came after the trio were all sent to the Big Brother guest room following a fake eviction on Monday, leaving the contestants believing they had gone home

But in Tuesday’s episode, Henry was forced to flirt with Matty after being called into the diary room by Big Brother to give him a secret task.

Big Brother secretly said to Henry, “Big Brother will talk to you through an earpiece and give you instructions to follow in order to pass today’s task.”

“Do this and don’t go unnoticed and you’ll win champagne and delicious caviar blinis for the whole house.”

Henry thought the tasks were given to him by Big Brother, but what he doesn’t know is that they were actually given by Jordan, Jenkin and Tom – who are in the guest room, watching the housemates’ every move.

After his steamy kiss with Jordan, Henry was then tasked with flirting with Matty in a dramatic development – but he didn’t know that Jordan had played a role in the task.

Henry said to Matty: ‘When did you say your friend was back?’ He’s a happy boy.’

He also called Matty “very handsome.”

Henry was also tasked with pouring water on Yinrun and ignoring her, requesting and then criticizing a private dance lesson with Olivia, and pouring Noky’s oat milk down the sink in front of her.

Big Brother continues on Wednesday nights at 9pm on ITV2 and ITVX.



1696815277 419 ITV bosses secretly ban TWO major elements of Big Brother

AGE: 25


FROM: Bridgend

HOW WOULD YOUR FRIENDS DESCRIBE YOU? “Loud and chaotic and probably irritating.”


1696815279 378 ITV bosses secretly ban TWO major elements of Big Brother

AGE: 21


FROM: Somerset

What are you most likely to be nominated for? “I think I could potentially offend some people. “My mouth moves faster than my brain.”


1696815283 293 ITV bosses secretly ban TWO major elements of Big Brother

AGE: 25


FROM: Scunthorpe

What are you most likely to be nominated for? “I’m argumentative and act like I don’t want to be there, even when I do in my heart.” Maybe they nominate me because I’m uninterested or because I don’t give everyone equal attention. You may feel left out, but there’s nothing I can do about it.’


1696815287 886 ITV bosses secretly ban TWO major elements of Big Brother

AGE: 26

OCCUPATION: Bank clerk

OUT: Derby

Why did you apply to be a Big Brother Housemate? “I love challenges. I’ve had so many great moments in my life, like winning Miss Universe as Miss Great Britain. I like doing something different and think this is the next challenge I want to tackle. I want to show people what beauty girls are really like and refute many stereotypes around them. I also show what it’s like to be a woman who has worked in male-dominated fields. “I want to show that women are capable of doing anything they want.”


1696815297 376 ITV bosses secretly ban TWO major elements of Big Brother

AGE: 25

OCCUPATION: Customer service representative

FROM: Harrogate

What part of the experience are you most looking forward to? “What I enjoy most is being surrounded by so many people from different walks of life. I don’t think I’ll ever live in a house with so many different people again. “I’m from China and I think it will help me delve deeper into British culture.”


1696815303 771 ITV bosses secretly ban TWO major elements of Big Brother

AGE: 24


FROM: Isle of Man

HOW WOULD YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY DESCRIBE YOU? “They would say I’m a happy person or someone who really wants to live life to the fullest and do everything it has to offer. Someone who is friendly and fun and doesn’t take life too seriously.”


1696815305 530 ITV bosses secretly ban TWO major elements of Big Brother

AGE: 25

PROFESSION: Food writer

FROM: Cotswolds

HOW WOULD YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY DESCRIBE YOU? “I think you would say that I am particularly outgoing and very talkative. I mean, I’ll be honest, my parents would definitely say I’m a bit of a snob, but I take that as a compliment. I think that means you have high standards and good taste. They would say I’m quite a strange child.’


1698765438 783 Big Brother SPOILER Drama erupts after Noky and Trishs cursed

AGE: 23


FROM: Glasgow

What are you most likely to be nominated for? “I think if people are that hungry, I’ll finish people off and finish them off. I think they will nominate me for my comprehensiveness, my brutal honesty and my excessive expression of opinions.’