Michel dampens hopes for accession talks in Kiev news

During a visit to Ukraine, EU Council President Charles Michel warned against viewing a quick decision to begin EU accession negotiations with the country as a surefire success.

Some of the EU member states have made it clear that they would like to think carefully before deciding the next step in the accession process, Michel said in Kiev today.

They are working hard to reach a unified position by the EU summit in December. However, political difficulties should not be underestimated – also because difficult budgetary decisions have to be taken at the same time.

Michel: Firmly support Ukraine

The program of the EU’s main representative in Kiev included a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Michel had already said upon his arrival in Kiev that he intended to use his visit to make it clear that the EU is firmly on Ukraine’s side.

It can be seen that, despite the war, Ukraine is working hard to implement reforms for EU membership. He is convinced that the EU will be safer and stronger with Ukraine.