Bolsonarists promote boycott of Lázaro Ramos film and celebrate perceived failure TV

The film Ó Paí Ó 2, starring Lázaro Ramos, was released this Thursday (23). Due to the actor’s support for President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), supporters of Jair Bolsonaro advocated a boycott of the production. Although preview screenings in Salvador were sold out, the film’s screening rooms appeared empty in videos shared by Bolsonaro supporters.

After the impact of the matter, the TV news tried to buy tickets for the production. In the Shopping Eldorado in São Paulo and in the Shopping Recife, mentioned in the Jair Bolsonaro supporter’s video, the rooms actually seem to be occupied with many free seats.

The report also attempted to contact UCI, the Shopping Recife cinema chain and Ramos’ press office, but did not receive a response as of the publication of this text.

On X (formerly Twitter), users mocked the lack of an audience in the footage circulating on social media.

“The premiere of Lázaro Ramos’ film was a failure! Patriota paid R$38 to show the empty cinema and prove it before the media said otherwise. These people will learn to respect real Brazilians,” said user André.

“Lázaro Ramos, whoever seals does not benefit,” provoked the Internet user Emily Motta. “Lázaro Ramos will blame Bolsonaro and Bolsonaro supporters for the failure of this audiovisual nonsense? Yes, he will,” joked Felipe Terra.

Despite attacks from Jair Bolsonaro’s supporters, the actor continues to promote the film through his social networks. This Friday (24) he shared some stories from fans who went to the cinema to see the premiere of the production.

What did Lázaro Ramos say about Bolsonaro?

During the introduction of the interim measure (2022), Ramos said that it was difficult to be Brazilian under the Bolsonaro government. “Look at the prices of fuel and food. “I can’t just talk about the difficulty of being an artist, that’s not what it’s about,” he said in an interview with Folha de S.Paulo.