However, this status is controversial. British theologian John Henry Blunt writes that Lucifer himself was a deviant figure in Sardinia.
The church of Cagliari celebrated the feast of Saint Lucifer on May 20th. Two archbishops of Sardinia wrote for and against the holiness of Lucifer. The Congregation of the Inquisition imposed silence on both parties and decreed that the worship of Lucifer should remain as it was. The Bollandists defend this decree of the Congregation and claim that the Lucifer in question is not the author of the schism, but another Lucifer who was martyred in the persecution of the Vandals.
John Henry Blunt in “Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical Parties and Schools of Religious Thought” (1874)
In 1639The Archbishop of Cagliari, Monsignor Ambrogio Machin, wrote the “Defensio Sanctitatis beati Luciferi”, a work in defense of the holiness of Lucifer, which, however, was heavily contaminated by narrowmindedness, so that it was ignored in later historiography.
Later Pope Urban VIII appointedBy a decree of June 20, 1641, everyone ordered not to publicly address the issue of Lucifer’s holiness and to condemn or defend his cult until a new decision was made by the Holy See, which had not yet been made.
The name of Lucifer also has an influence on the holiness of the religious. Although the Latin meaning is “bringer of light” and originally represented the planet Venus, the name has been associated with the devil according to controversial interpretations of Bible passages such as Isaiah 14:12 and Luke 10.