Big Brother Greta Rossetti before her entry into the House of Representatives: "I’m single and when I leave, I’m not going back"

Greta Rossetti’s social statements before entering Big Brother.

The anticipation is growing new episode of Big Brotherwhat will happen Broadcast tomorrow Saturday December 2, 2023 on Canale 5 and he will see it the entrance to Greta Rossetti’s house. The latter in particular intervened Social to thank all his fans for their support and to reiterate his Position towards Mirko Brunetti.

Greta Rossetti is ready to join the Gf

Tomorrow, Saturday December 2nd, Greta Rossetti will enter the famous Big Brother House as an official participant. A few hours after his entry, theformer controversial seductress of the latest edition of Temptation Island She took to Instagram to explain real intentions with Mirko Brunetti:

From now on I choose myself. I choose my peace, I choose my smile, I choose my happiness. I will be my priority. Nobody else. Thank you all for the beautiful messages, for the support and for the insults. Forgive me, friends, and if I could not answer all of you, but there are so many of you, I will be forever grateful to you. Guys, now I want to clarify something. I make it clear that no one is going in there to steal someone’s boyfriend because I’m single and if I leave, I’m not going back.

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However, on his part Mirkothose in the house of Gf is getting closer and closer to him Ex-Perla Vatierohe didn’t hide his disappointment towards Greta:

He left me on a national live broadcast saying that he had been defending me until a few days ago. She is influenced by what she hears. It’s happened in the past and I don’t want anyone with that attitude around me. I did a lot for her and put my feelings on the line. I have always respected them here and there is nothing to complain about. I want a woman by my side who won’t get me into trouble.

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