Magellanic Goose – Definition and Explanations –


Magellanic goose
Chloephaga picta female
Classification (COI)
Binomial name (In taxonomy (botany, zoology, etc.), the binomial name or binomial comes from…)
Chloephaga picta
(Gmelin, 1789)
IUCN conservation status:

LC IUCN 3.1: Minor worry
Diagram showing extinction risk according to IUCN classification.

L’Magellanic goose (Chloephaga picta), sometimes called Magellanic goose Or Magellanic goose. is a species of anatid related to the Tadorninae.


It measures between 60 and 65 cm. The male has a white head, neck (The neck is the area of ​​the body that is between the head and the rest of the body…) and chest, the rest of the body is gray with thin black stripes on the sides. In the female (in biology, female (from Latin “femella”, little woman, young woman) is…) the head and neck are red, the wings are grayish and the underside of the body is striped with black.


This is a very sociable species, whose troops can bring together several thousand birds. The pairs are faithful and reproduction takes place between September and November. Placing the nest (nest generally refers to the structure built by birds to…) near water (water is a chemical compound ubiquitous on Earth that is vital for everyone). .). After the breeding season, it migrates north (north is a cardinal point opposite south) from Chile and Argentina.


It inhabits the South (The South is a cardinal point opposite the North) of the Americas (America is a continent separated in the west from Asia and…) of the South: Chile, Argentina and the Falkland Islands. It is found mainly in grassy plains.


According to Alan P. Peterson there are two subspecies:

  • Chloephaga picta leucoptera
  • Chloephaga picta picta


The population is between 240,000 and 1,300,000 birds. The Magellan goose is sometimes persecuted by farmers because it competes with sheep and cows for pasture.


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