Even if we had snow, patience is always required

With the exception of a few very specific places such as the Monts-Valin, the Matapédia valley or the Haute-Gaspésie, not many trails are open, even if snow is increasingly popular. Therefore, caution is advised before setting off on a snowmobile.

“It’s completely normal for snowmobilers to be eager to get back on the slopes,” said Michel Garneau, director of external relations and special projects at the Fédération des Clubs de Motoneigistes du Québec. But before you do anything, it’s best to check out the interactive map on the Federation’s website (fcmq.qc.ca). When trails are open, this will be shown on the map. »

For this expert, one must always be aware that great caution is required at the beginning of the season.

“There are three main reasons why you need to be patient. The first is for your own safety. The second is to avoid mechanical failures since we cannot see stumps, stones or other obstacles. Problems like parts shortages can easily arise, causing you to lose your snowmobile for several weeks. Ultimately, it’s about letting the associations do their work and respecting the property owners,” explains Michel Garneau.


The presence of snow does not necessarily mean that the season has begun.

“People think that because it snows that they can ride a snowmobile, which is not automatically the case. You must ensure that signage is posted. “In addition, the clubs first have to hit the snow with the snow groomers so that the frost can penetrate the ground,” he continues.

“As the cold penetrates the ground, the paths remain open longer in the spring. People must never forget that the club’s volunteers are snowmobilers and that they do not want to delay the opening of their slopes. As soon as they can, believe me, it will appear on the map. »

Cabana December 6, 2023

Many snowmobilers are eager to hit the trails, especially as the snow has increased in recent days. However, the clubs must be given time to prepare the trails. Photo provided by Julien Cabana

The whiteness of the snow, as far as the eye can see, can also become a trap.

“The snow hides everything. “The obstacles that the snow hides can cause someone who is in a hurry to get out to experience significant mechanical problems, not to mention possible injuries,” warns the expert.

Michel Garneau also wanted to remind people not to venture onto bodies of water.

“We repeat it every year. You should not enter a river or lake without checking the thickness of the ice. Ideally, I would advise snowmobilers not to venture onto a lake or waterway if there are no marked trails,” Mr. Garneau proclaims.

It also reminds us how important it is to respect the environment.


The pre-sale period for discounted access rights ends on Saturday evening.

“This is an ideal opportunity for people to save money by obtaining their right of entry during this period. In fact, they will save $90 if they only pay $440 instead of $530 after the deadline. “The amounts of money collected in pre-sales will largely be used to help clubs that have significant fixed costs at the start of the season to get the machine running,” explains Michel Garneau.

“If clubs do not have the financial means to make the necessary investments to ensure bridge or other repairs, the opening of the trails will progress slowly. By purchasing pre-sale access rights, everyone wins,” he concludes.

Sales take place exclusively online on the Federation website at fcmq.qc.ca. You can continue to support your local club by choosing them when purchasing your right of way.