Good news from the French-Burkinabe club farm “Les egges d'Elvire” – AfricaPresse.Paris

In Burkina Faso, the chicken coop-turned-farm is doing well despite the significant difficulties facing the country. One hectare of land has been fenced off, the area irrigated, two hundred tangelo plants planted and vegetables grown in the gaps between the rows of trees that will soon provide them with shade…

This means that the women of the village can sell not only eggs, but also vegetables and, in a few years (the tangelo grows very quickly), citrus fruits; Always under the same conditions: the association sells them the products at a price slightly below the market price, allowing them to make a small profit of one to two euros per day, enough to support their family.

In France, numerous events have been organized by and for Les oeufs d'Elvire since the end of the summer:

The association was represented with a stand on September 17th flea market from Place Saint-Sulpice, in the 6th arrondissement of Paris; Many friends of Elvire's eggs had offered us items of all kinds: paintings, jewelry, dishes, glassware, books, old games and toys, decorative items that made the bargain hunters happy. Sales went well under the warm late summer sun.

We were given so many different items for this flea market that despite the success, not everything was sold. We therefore decided to organize one “Ali Baba’s Cave” At our house in mid-November. Here, too, there was a good turnout and numerous sales, including jewelry made from natural stones by Caroline de la Tullaye.

Les oeufs d'Elvire, a club based in Paris 6th, was awarded a Full-page presentation article in “Our 6th”, the district's monthly newspaper in its November edition, the conditions of which correspond well to the spirit of the association. I would like to warmly thank Mr Jean-Pierre Lecocq, Mayor of the 6th arrondissement. (Article in PJ).

On Friday, November 24th, we had the pleasure of welcoming some of you to SEL. Sèvres Theaterfor the performance of the play “Les Conquérants”, proposed by Les Amitiés France-Acadie and directed by Patrice Carpuatto whom we thank very much.

The audience greatly appreciated both the interesting text, which introduced many of them to this side of French history on the other side of the Atlantic, as well as the acting, decoration and setting on stage. The SEL, with its bar where you could have a drink and chat before and after the show, was a happy discovery for many and we would like to thank its director again, Clementine de Maistrefor his warm and generous welcome.

If this representation could take place, it is thanks to an intervention Radio Notre Dameon the show” Meeting » by Marie-Leila Coussa, in April 2022, heard from Patrice Carpuat, who contacted us to offer us a theatrical performance in favor of the association. Marie-Leila was touched when she learned of this happy continuation of her show and offered us a new intervention on Monday, November 20th in her show “Rencontre”: /11831.

Here, dear friends, is the news from this busy autumn for Les oeufs d'Elvire.

A new project is in the works… and the chickens still need food. We would like to remind you that you are entitled to a tax receipt for every donation, no matter how small. So if you donate €50 it will only cost you €17. In PJ the RIB of the Association Les oeufs d'Elvire.

We would like to thank all of you, thanks to whom the association can develop in Burkina by establishing friendly links here in France. This seems to us to be well in line with the spirit of Elvire and we believe that she is heavenly committed to the success of this company.

Have a nice, bright and merry Christmas. Happy end of year celebrations.

All the best to you all.

Marc and Martine Bousquet

Martine Bousquet: [email protected]

Good news from the French Burkinabe club farm Les egges d39Elvire

Good news from the French Burkinabe club farm Les egges d39Elvire


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