What can you see on TV on New Year's Eve 2023? End of Year Chime Guide

Take the 12 grapes, wear red underwear, poke eyes and see José Mota and Cristina Pedroche. The traditions and superstitions of Spanish New Year's Eve are repeated again and again. The television schedule for this end of 2023 changes little compared to previous years. The presence of Jenni Hermoso in the carillon of La 1 marks the special program for December 31st.

Two classics from La 1, given the novelty of Ana Mena and Jenni Hermoso

Jenni Hermoso will set an example for equality during the bell broadcast.Jenni Hermoso will send a message for equality during the broadcast of the chimes.Roberto Moreno Moya

Comedian José Mota returns with his comedy special on December 31st at 9:50 p.m. Entitled “A Night of Fear,” the track satirizes current political and social events in Spain in a nod to classic horror cinema, with Pedro Sánchez, Donald Trump, Javier Milei and Carles Puigdemont in the crosshairs of his impersonations. The show's gags and musical numbers include Patricia Conde, Jorge Sanz, Agustín Jiménez, Berta Collado, Paula Púa, Sayago Ayuso, Paco Collado and the streamers Nerea Fernández and AnimaLize21.

Another RTVE classic, Ramón García and the singer Ana Mena They will welcome the New Year live from the Puerta del Sol in Madrid in a special program. The presenter will ring the bell on La 1 for the fifteenth time and will make her debut in this role. The football player will be a special guest in this room. Jennifer Hermoso, world champion with the Spanish national team, who will toast equality in 2024 with the presenters. An hour later, the public broadcaster offers the carillon from the Canary Islands.

At ¡Feliz 2024!, a Christmas gala that will accompany viewers in the farewell to 2023 (from 11:00 p.m. to 11:40 p.m.) and in the first hours of the new year, Patricia Conde, Rocío Muñoz and the The Colombian will be present Actor Carlos Torres as host and a long list of musical performances.

“Cachitos”, again on La 2

Angel Carmona From 10:45 p.m. he will be the new host of one of La 2's star shows with the special program New Year's Eve a Cachitos. It will be a gala of vintages with guests such as Amaia, Jandro, Sidonie, La Prohibida y Algora, Los gandules, Pep Plaza and Laura Márquez and others. The program will recapture the spirit of the music hall. After the grapes there are three hours of the usual cachitos, which combine RTVE's music archive with the ironic names of its scriptwriters.

Pedroche's dress will be alive

Alberto Chicote and Cristina Pedroche have been ringing the bells together at Antena 3 for almost a decade.Alberto Chicote and Cristina Pedroche have been ringing the bells together at Antena 3 for almost a decade.

Every year on Antena 3 the great unknown is how Cristina Pedroche will dress to ring the bells with Alberto Chicote. The hints he has given so far are that the design will not be made from fabric and that it will be vibrant, alluding to the fact that it uses materials found in nature. Before that, the musical gala “Goodbye to 2023” will be hosted by Eva González and Roberto Leal from 10 p.m. And immediately after the bell rings, the station will offer a similar range of music, but this time in a karaoke version, without giving much thought to the title: Singing to 2024.

Carillon in Seville for Telecinco

Jesús Calleja and Marta Flich travel to Seville to ring the bells of Cuatro and Telecinco.Jesús Calleja and Marta Flich travel to Seville to ring the bells of Cuatro and Telecinco.

Telecinco uses the same formula as on December 24th and will program New Year's Eve with you on the last evening of the year. Christian Gávez and Verónica Dulanto will present musical performances. And Cuatro is once again banking on his great success: First Dates pays tribute to 1920s Hollywood in its last program of the year. Then Marta Flich and Jesús Calleja will be the faces of the broadcast of the carillon, but only on Telecinco so that the audience is not divided. As usual with Mediaset, they will do this outside the Puerta del Sol in Madrid. This time the communications group has chosen Seville. In 2024, the city will become the capital of the European aerospace industry and will serve as a center of attraction for the promotion of the miniseries that it is preparing together with Prime Video, in which Calleja will be the first non-astronaut Spaniard to go into space travels.

“The Comedy Club” returns to La Sexta

Before the chimes, La Sexta will broadcast a prime-time special of another Spanish television classic: El Club de la Comedia. Dani Mateo will host this format for the first time with this special, which includes monologues from Valeria Ros, Txabi Franquesa, Iñaki Urrutia, LaLaChus and Lamine Thior, as well as a walk through the archives of the show and remembering the moments when he laughed in Christmas traditions. Mateo will ring the bell together with Cristina Castaño and will once again wear the suit decided by popular vote by the audience of his show Zapeando.

Alternative chimes

Carlos Pequer and Mariang in the corner of Spotify Studios, where they record their program.Carlos Pequer and Mariang in the corner of Spotify Studios, where they record their program.Antártica

This time Ibai Llanos will appear on Twitch to ring the bells away from Puerta del Sol in Madrid. He will do it from Barcelona, ​​exchanging Ramón García for another internet star, TheGrefg. And Carlos Peguer and Mariang (known for their podcast La Pija y la Quinqui) will ring the bells with Sabor a uva from 11:10 p.m. on RTVE Play and the YouTube channel Playz. They, together with the protagonists of some of them, will comment on their most popular viral videos of the year and play some of the musical hits of the Spanish independent scene with performances by María José Llergo, La Cruz, Mafalda Cardenal, Gus, Morreo and Samuraï.

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