3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Negativity on January 1, 2024

How dare we even think of a rough horoscope on the first day of the year? Well, the truth is that on January 1, 2024, everything is perception. What may seem like a fabulous day to one person may take on a negative tone to another. It's about how we perceive this day, because in reality it's just another day like any other.

A very interesting transit awaits us on this day, and because it is so “interesting,” we can definitely go either way when it comes to understanding its inner meaning. On this day, January 1, 2024, Mercury goes direct, meaning it is no longer in the unfortunate phase of retrograde; Maybe this is the start of something good.

Unfortunately, we haven't all woken up with a peppy attitude, as we're still behaving as if Mercury is still dragging us down. The thing is, we're the ones who haven't caught up yet. And for three zodiac signs, this day might feel like a burden. But don't worry, we'll get there. It's a guarantee. With Mercury Direct starting January 1, 2024, we will soon see things working again. Thank you, Cosmos!

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes for January 1, 2024:

1. Taurus

(April 20 – May 20)

No need to worry, Taurus, because your zodiac sign is one of the chosen ones for the “rough” daily horoscope. What's really going on is that on this day, January 1, 2024, you're a little lazier than usual and you feel like you have the right to be that way. You have a whole year ahead of you to get everything together and you don't feel the need to rush this day. You'll get there… and you'll keep telling everyone around you the same thing. “I'm coming. Please leave me alone.”

With “Mercury Direct,” you may feel even more justified in dialing the power down a bit, simply because you can feel the energy shift in the universe, and in doing so you know, in some way, that another day of fooling around won’t be fatal to anyone. You're ready to listen to your heart this day, and with Mercury directly on your back, you know it won't last; You will do it, as you have said so many times.

The only thing that might make this day seem a little rough is that you're feeling a little rough around the edges because you're not yet used to the fact that there's a whole year ahead of you and now you have to get up and do it all . Everything you planned is now holding this sign in front of your face that says, “No Excuses.” You know what lies ahead, and even though it’s daunting, you’ll get through it. No problem. You will get there.

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2. Virgo

(August 23 – September 22)

With all your heart, all your mind, and all your physical strength, you want so badly for this first day of the year to shine through like a silver lining on a cloudy day, and for some reason you just can't bring yourself to join a cheerleader this day, January 1, 2024. You just want to say, “Rah, let's go, team,” but you're more like, “Hey, hey, let's just get a few more hours of sleep, mkay?” It's fine . Mercury reminds you directly that things start tomorrow.

The only thing that could unsettle you that day is that you start comparing your life to the imaginary lives of others, which means that in your head you think the whole world is on the up and up while you're over there in Slug -City and are taking things a little too easy. But then again, you are yourself, and you are the one who can boss you around… or sit back, and well, on January 1, 2024, you choose the relaxed version.

With Mercury going direct this day, you'll feel like you're no longer under pressure, and that could be very helpful. The regression made everything seem harder than it really was, and now that you're on the other side, you feel more relaxed and rested. But still, you'll be the one blowing the whistle when it's time for you to take action, and that certainly won't be the case this day, Virgo.

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3. Aquarius

(January 20th – February 18th)

The last thing on your mind this day, January 1, 2023, is following a burst of positive energy to the finish line. You're just not in the mood, and it doesn't bother you so much as it seems to get on everyone else's nerves. Why the hell do these people even care whether you're the New Year's boss or not? All you want to do is sit back and with Mercury Direct you will feel comfortable doing whatever you want. However, you want it.

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Mercury affects different people in different ways, and not everyone will jump on that speeding train at the same stop. Yours will come in a few days, and then you will make the decision to move into a more active state, but you will not feel obligated to follow anyone else's rules other than your own. Actually, you've always been like that. So let them eat cake or whatever they need to do; It's their life and you're not their boss… and that works both ways, right?

It's not that you're unaware that there's a whole new year ahead of you. Yes, you have plans, but do you really need to implement them on the first day of the year? Oh please, no way, just… go away. You find people “weird” that day, and even though you'd love to spend time with a friend, if it ends up just sitting in front of your computer and catching up on social media, then that's it so. Your life, right?

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.