Protests after verdict against eco activists in Russia news

Several thousand people demonstrated in the Russian Volga republic of Bashkortostan against the conviction of local eco-activist Fail Alsynov.

According to media reports, Alsynov was today sentenced to four years in prison for allegedly making racist statements. According to independent internet portal Wjorstka, more than 3,000 people gathered in front of the court in the small town of Baimak to support Alsynov.

One of the biggest protests since the start of the war

Observers speak of one of the biggest protest actions in Russia since the beginning of the war of aggression against Ukraine. Protesters chanted “Freedom for Alsynov” and demanded the dismissal of regional leader Radii Khabirov, at whose request the trial against the eco-activist began.

A video shared by media outlet Ostoroschno Novosti is said to show security forces using force to push back the crowd. According to the information, several people were arrested.

Against mining of the Kushtau limestone mountain

Alsynov was one of the leaders of protests against the mining of the Kushtau limestone mountain in Bashkortostan for the soft drink factory located there. As a result of the demonstrations, Kushtau was declared a protected natural monument in 2020.

At the same time, the 37-year-old campaigned for greater autonomy for the republic and the protection of the Bashkir language. The Bashkort organization he co-led was classified as extremist and banned in 2020.