The Doomsday Clock of 2024 90 seconds before global catastrophe, time unchanged compared to 2023.

L'Doomsday Clock In 2024, as in January 2023, it will be 90 seconds before midnight, confirming the minimum distance to a global catastrophe that has been achieved so far this year. This is pointed out by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, founded in 1945 by Albert Einstein, which since 1947 has marked the time remaining until a global catastrophe. When it was introduced in 1947, the Doomsday Clock indicated 7 minutes to midnight and has since been updated 25 times, eight times backwards and 17 times forwards. 1991 was the year in which the disaster was furthest away, 17 minutes.

The Doomsday Clock changes the time that measures the possible end of the world: from wars in Ukraine and Israel to nuclear weapons