Very true, "Kicks and punches. They massacred me": the drama of George Ciupilan

George Ciupilan Guest of Verissimo. The former contestant of the VIP version of Big Brother spoke about the attack he recently suffered during the Saturday January 27 episode on Canale 5. “In a club, some people started insulting me and making fun of me,” he explained Silvia Toffanin -. To understand it better, I went outside with them, but there was no dialogue. They kicked me, hit me. They broke my lip and my cheekbone was swollen.

One of these people also put his hands around his neck. Hence the spontaneous question from the moderator, who wanted to ask the boy if anyone was there at that moment. “No,” he answered without hesitation, “there was no one there. The next day I realized it was half planned. My two friends were deliberately kept inside talking so they wouldn’t come out.”

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And again Toffanin always asked: “How did these people leave you?” And the former Gf-VIP competitor concluded: “When they stopped seeing me in the club, they came out and saw everything. My nature is suited to forgiveness, but now I see how I can move legally.” On the other hand, George took a big risk.

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