BBB 24 Survey Shows Who's Leaving the 6th Wall and Who's Staying There; Vote TV

After starting a dynamic full of details last week, BBB 24 formed the sixth wall this Sunday (28). Alane Dias, Isabelle Nogueira, Juninho and Lucas Luigi are competing to stay. Davi Brito and Giovanna Pitel escaped in the first round of the current season. Take the survey TV news Read this text and see what the vote is now, with updated percentages.

The wallbuilding evening has already begun with three people in the spotlight. Juninho, Pitel and Luigi found themselves in the risk zone on Friday (26) when Marcus Vinicius Big Fone responded and received the order to wall in three people.

The flight attendant, the angel Fernanda Bande and Rodriguinho (who received the angel necklace) enjoyed immunity in the vote.

The leader of the week, Bin Laden, defined Isabelle Nogueira as a target without the right to stop and return. “Here people are always looking for a justification to vote for someone and talk about distancing themselves, which is a bit pointless. I think this person allowed himself to be manipulated, he voted for me and I returned the vote for 'cunhã'. [Isabelle]”justified the singer.

Who voted for whom?

The vote took place in the confessional. Davi Brito was once again targeted by the House of Representatives and ended up becoming the most voted candidate: he received nine votes. See who voted for who for the sixth wall below:

  • Davi Brito > Lucas Henrique
  • Isabelle Nogueira > Lucas Henrique
  • Wanessa Camargo > David
  • Yasmin Brunet > David
  • Michel Nogueira > Alane
  • Raquel Cardozo > Alane
  • Giovanna Lima > Alane
  • Alane Dias > Giovanna
  • Deniziane Ferreira > Giovanna
  • Beatriz Reis > Giovanna
  • Matteus Amaral > Giovanna
  • Lucas Luigi > David
  • Lucas Henrique > David
  • Juninho > David
  • Leidy Elin > David
  • Fernanda Gang > Alane
  • Marcus Vinicius > David
  • Rodriguinho > David
  • Giovanna Pitel > David


The three people blocked by Big Fone were tasked with reaching consensus and putting someone in the hot seat. Alane Dias was selected by Juninho, Pitel and Luigi.

Bate e Volta test: who is on the wall of BBB 24?

For the first time in the current season, the reality show held a roundandround test. Of the six couples, only Isabelle, nominated by the leader, did not take part. In a dynamic that involved luck, Davi and Pitel managed to escape. The other four are on the ballot as to who stays.

BBB 24 is voting now

Join the vote for BBB 24's sixth wall below and check out the latest installment with updated percentages in the fight over who stays in the house according to Tadeu Schmidt, this is the final vote to stay. ” in the season:

Click here to open the survey

On Globo's official website, the public has two options to choose from: the individual vote, one per CPF, and the fan vote, which allows collective members to vote as many times as they wish. The final result that Tadeu Schmidt will publish on Tuesday (30th) is based on an average of the two modalities.

The survey by TV news They are not scientific in nature, but represent a tendency of Big Brother Brasil viewers.