Nft, the investigation is expanding: 103 suspects, 150 million euros missing and over 6,000 victims. The scammer: “Pag

TREVISO – The more prosecutors investigate, the more the fraud surrounding Silea's new financial technology expands. The number of suspects has actually increased to 103, the millions of euros… Already a subscriber? Login here!





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TREVISO – The more prosecutors investigate, the more the fraud surrounding Silea's new financial technology expands. In fact, the number of suspects has risen to 103, the millions of euros missing have risen to 150 and the number of people defrauded has risen to over 6,000. And now the banks are also shaking, at least on paper. Yes, because Afue, the Association of Victims of Financial Fraud chaired by Daniele Pistolesi (who, with the help of lawyers Enrico Conti and Michele Peretto, has already filed more than 400 complaints about the NFT case in Treviso alone), has given the investigators Trevigiani the submitted application for a technical-accounting report in an evidentiary incident in order to reconstruct (and present in black and white through a non-repeatable assessment) all the operations carried out by the banking or financial institutions involved (movement of cryptocurrencies, but also simple incoming transactions), Editor's note). and outgoing bank transfers) to determine whether anti-money laundering regulations have been violated and, if necessary, to bring credit institutions to civil liability (with all judicial authorities).


“We trust that the advice requested by the Treviso Public Prosecutor's Office will be accepted in order to obtain very precise answers to the actions of banks and financial institutions (the so-called stock exchanges) in the matter related to new financial technologies.” Investors' money overflowed foreign banking institutions and exchanges who knew that NFT was a company that was not authorized to collect money from Italian savers. While we wait for the completion of the process to which we are ready for all our customers, we have been closely monitoring the actions of traditional credit institutions and exchanges based on the precedents set in recent years, both in traditional banks and financial institutions in frauds implicated, which are very similar to those of the NFT in several Italian courts.” The focus is therefore not only on the NFT bosses as well as the main suspects (lawyer Emanuele Giullini, Christian Visentin and Mauro Rizzato) and their agents, but also on the credit institutions The transactions for investments in cryptocurrencies were processed with a promise of interest of 10% per month.


Bolstered by two Court of Cassation rulings that upheld the convictions of as many bank officials for money laundering, based on the configurability of a “possible intent” coupled with the “theory of risk acceptance,” the Afue claims that banks and exchanges did not do it correctly act to limit or avoid money laundering in the NFT affair. Specifically, according to the association, credit institutions are obliged to carefully monitor their customers' transactions, report suspicious activities to the authorities and cooperate with investigators. According to Afue, the controversial behavior (of course assumed, and for this very reason a technical and accounting report is required in the event of an evidentiary incident, editor's note) ranges from checking the identity of customers to assessing the money laundering risk to reporting suspicious transactions to preserve the documents supporting them. It is now up to the public prosecutor to take action on this new front.


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The Gazzettino