9 million inhabitants: Thanks to our dear immigrants –

Since Thursday we can celebrate the fact that 9 million people live in the beautiful province of Quebec.

A 24 Hours article by Anne-Sophie Poiré clearly explains that immigration has played and continues to play an important role in Quebec's demographic growth.

Sociodemographer and director of the sociology department at Laval University, Richard Marcoux, is quoted in the article: “What we are observing is a demographic growth that is more than 95% due to immigration. This is THE important data.”

It makes me proud to see the population of our beautiful province continue to diversify.


If you read my columns often, you probably know that I am not anti-immigration at all.

I find that many people tend to only focus on the problems that immigration can bring, forgetting that immigration brings many positive things to a society like ours.

I wonder why so many people don't feel the same pride I do in being part of a welcoming province.

I will always wonder

Aren't you grateful to the immigrants who, for example, support our healthcare system by working there?

Don't you even feel a wave of joy when you hear the story of an immigrant who managed to live a better life by coming here?

Yes, immigration brings with it many issues to consider, but that does not mean that all of its positive aspects are forgotten, which go far beyond what some consider disadvantages.

It's good to remember that not everything is black and white and leave room for the positive.