Infamous “fake” celebrity Suzan Mutesi asks fans to help her find a boyfriend: “Tag your dads, uncles and stepbrothers!”

Suzan Mutesi made an open plea to her fans on Tuesday, asking them for help in finding her true love.

The controversial influencer, 37, shared a post on Instagram in which she revealed she was done with the single life and needed help finding Mr. Right.

“And the winner of the Single Girl in the Universe award is… ME! Calling all handsome gentlemen! “It’s time to help me find my husband,” she began.

She then asked her followers to act as a matchmaker and tag her single friends and help her find a soul mate.

“I am determined to say goodbye to singleness and devote myself to the wonders of love!” Feel free to tag your eligible bachelor friends, treasured companions, brothers, fathers, uncles, stepbrothers and yes, even your four-legged friend.

Suzan Mutesi (pictured) made an open plea to her fans on Tuesday, asking them for help in finding her true love

Suzan Mutesi (pictured) made an open plea to her fans on Tuesday, asking them for help in finding her true love

“Let’s find my soulmate together!”

Suzan also shared a gallery of photos showing her looking her best in sexy poses while visiting an art museum and showing off her athletic figure for her future love.

At the time of writing, none of her followers had made any suggestions about a possible partner for her.

Mutesi encouraged her followers to tag their single friends as a matchmaker

Mutesi encouraged her followers to tag their single friends as a matchmaker

In August it was reported that Suzan's claim that she was a graduate of Australia's most prestigious acting school appeared to have been greatly exaggerated.

The influencer who was accused of buying off some of her 1.2 million followers on Instagram and was called a “pest” for crashing the Logies and “walking the wrong way down the red carpet” on awards night “ran,” also did so, claiming she “went to NIDA.”

“I don't call myself an actor, I am an actor… I went to NIDA,” she told Private Sydney, referring to the National Institute of Dramatic Art.

1707202434 54 Infamous fake celebrity Suzan Mutesi asks fans to help her

“I'm determined to say goodbye to singleness and devote myself to the wonders of love! Don't hesitate to tag your eligible bachelor friends, treasured companions, brothers, fathers, uncles, stepbrothers and yes, even your fur,” she wrote

However, Mutesi's name is nowhere to be found in the institute's alumni database.

When Suzan was asked by the Chron to explain her studies, she sent a “certificate of attendance” for a paid “NIDA Open” short course that ran from October 8, 2005 to November 5, 2005.

Although NIDA offers programs for the general public, these are not advanced degree programs.

These programs are offered to anyone age two and older, do not require an audition or review process, and anyone who completes them is not considered a NIDA graduate.

At the time of writing, none of her followers had made any suggestions about a possible partner for her

At the time of writing, none of her followers had made any suggestions about a possible partner for her