A childhood friend and her family make Mario Pelchat cry

Mario Pelchat probably still blames himself for not turning around at the blind audition of his childhood friend Josée Lapierre, who comes from the Arvida district, in Saguenay.

A childhood friend and her family make Mario Pelchat cry


When they were young, Mario and Josée sang together with family members. The Pelchats and the Lapierres were actually neighbors and friends who shared a common passion for singing and music.

Josée, 50, who now lives in Havre-aux-Maisons in the Magdalen Islands, played Ce que le blues a fait de moi by Maurane, but no trainer came along on The Voice on Sunday.

The sharpest may have recognized Josée, who plays the receptionist at the police station in the series “Surprising Detective: The Stone-Eyed Girl”. This quality fiction is a hit at Club illico, where it is still available.

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Josée Lapierre in her role as receptionist Majella Bourgeois in the Club illico series “Surprising Detective: The Girl with Stone Eyes”. PHOTO PROVIDED BY CLUB ILLICO

When Mario Pelchat recognized Josée, he regretted not pressing his red button. All in all, the woman can look back on 25 years of performing experience on the Îles-de-la-Madeleine.

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Her mother Georgette Cyr and her sister Hélène then sang on the stage of La Voix, a dream Georgette treasured. A piano was brought along and the three women played Modern Hotel by Jean-Pierre Ferland. Georgette accompanied Mario and his sister to churches when they sang there in their youth. So it was very moving for the coach, who once again couldn't hold back his tears.

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Josée Lapierre with her mother Georgette Cyr and her sister Hélène Lapierre during Josée's blind audition at “La Voix” on February 11th. PHOTO BY BERTRAND EXERTIER, PROVIDED BY TVA