The financiers are searching through the mass of digital and paper materials seized on February 8 from the offices of Villa Fresco, where he has his registered residence. John Elkann. The aim is to search the hard drives for emails and documents exchanged between the president of Stellantis and his two brothers, to find out whether Lapo and Ginevra knew about them and how they played a role (possibly in competition with him). Alleged plan to make Grandmother Marella fictitiously resident in Switzerland in order not to have to pay taxes in Italy. The prosecutors of Turinwho investigate a hypothesis of tax evasion related to some assets of the estate lambs, asked the investigators of the Guardia di Finanza to identify “the real beneficiaries” of the financial resources “not taken into account in the inheritance”, “with consequent evasive hypotheses that go beyond those disputed” to John Elkann. The latter is currently the only one against whom the three brothers are investigating for “fraudulent declaration to evade income tax”, along with the historical family accountant Gianluca Ferrero and the Swiss notary Urs Robert von Gruenigen, who is in charge of the estate administration of the late Marella Caracciolo. “It is necessary to acquire contracts, writings, correspondence (including electronic), provisions and all other documents (including banking transactions),” we read in the decree signed by the deputy prosecutor Marco Gianoglio and the deputy prosecutors Mario Bendoni and Giulia Marchetti The Relations , to which “Donna Marella, today’s suspects as well as Lapo and Ginevra Elkann refer, are or were trustees, beneficial owners or in any case had access to them, including through third parties”.
Legacy Agnelli, Marella and the false residence in Switzerland: the tax evasion hypothesis since 2015
After the soldiers of the Economic and Financial Police Unit of Turin began an inspection of P Fiduciaria last July (which concluded in mid-December “with findings” of irregularities in relation to anti-money laundering legislation), John Elkann was arrested on March 31. October dismissed by the police I am in a hurry to file supplementary income returns for the tax years 2019-2020-2021, “which show – as we read in the search warrant – that there are assets abroad that reasonably derive from the inheritance of Marella Caracciolo “, as well as the existence of income attributable to the anonymous companies Blue Dragons and Dancing Tree based in Liechtenstein. “Similar findings, namely the availability of inheritance assets, emerge from the returns submitted by John Elkann's brothers, namely Lapo and Ginevra Elkann, for the same tax years,” state prosecutors. A treasure worth 900 million dollars came to light, which can be attributed to the three brothers.
“The logical and legal incompatibility between the availability of funds, which has been known for years, and the fact reported by certain media that they were “hidden” – we read in the note from the lawyers supporting John Elkann – is this an obvious contradiction, since the same funds were regularly reported to the tax office by our client, who has paid the taxes due and will continue to do so.” “Furthermore, the current ownership structure of the Dicembre Company, which was defined over 20 years ago and reflects the precise will of the lawyer Agnelli to ensure the continuity of the family's activities, a will that was well known and accepted at the time by all interested parties last swipe at her client's mother, Margherita Agnelli, who – after she had inherited the inheritance for a (then) estimated total estimate of approx. 6 billion euros – submitted the complaint to the Turin public prosecutor's office in December 2022, from where the investigation began.
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