Thehygrometry characterizes the humidity, i.e. the amount of water in gaseous form that is present in moist air (or in another gas in certain industrial applications). It does not take into account water (Water is a chemical compound that is ubiquitous on Earth and is vital for everyone…), which is in liquid form (The liquid phase is a state of matter. In this form the material is…) or solid .
In meteorology (the aim of meteorology is the study of atmospheric phenomena…) it is one of the most important recorded and modeled quantities. It is measured with a hygrometer (A hygrometer is a device for measuring hygrometry (or relative humidity)) or with a thermohygrometer (since temperature is a physical quantity that is measured with a thermometer and…) Humidity (humidity is the presence of water or water vapor in the air or in a substance…) Air (Air is the gas mixture that makes up the Earth's atmosphere. It is odorless and…) are two partially dependent parameters).
Water condensed into microdroplets greatly alters the diffusion (in common usage the term diffusion refers to a concept of…) and the range of light (light is all electromagnetic waves visible to the eye…) and contributes to halo- phenomenon
The tables that summarize the physical and thermodynamic properties of air refer to dry air, i.e. without water vapor. As a matter of fact,
Humidity is variable (in mathematics and logic, a variable is represented by a symbol. It…) in space and time (time is a concept developed by humans to understand the…), on the scale of a few hours (The hour is a unit of measurement π or even less (e.g. when it rains or when dew forms) and inconsistently on the scale of hundreds of meters or sometimes even the meter (The meter ( Symbol m, from the Greek metron (measure) is the basic unit of the length of…), so it is impossible to define standard properties of the ambient air. Humidity is mainly influenced by the amount of available water, temperature and atmospheric currents .The properties of moist air can vary greatly, as the water vapor content under normal weather conditions can reach up to 4% by volume (volume in physical or mathematical sciences is a quantity that measures expansion…); Air transport, transport (transportation is the process of moving something or someone from one place to another, most…), light, smells, certain molecules (including certain perfumes, hormones), the range of sounds, the transparency of the air , acidity and air pollution, halos or light pollution (The term light pollution (light pollution or photopollution for English speakers)…) etc. are thus affected by humidity. Water vapor is also one of the most important greenhouse gases (the greenhouse effect is a natural process that, given the amount of energy consumed…).The evaporation of sea water (Stylized Oceans Ξ©cΓ©ans is a French documentary by…), rivers and clouds, the wind (wind is the movement of an atmosphere, a mass of gas located on the surface…), as well as sweat from vegetation and evapotranspiration are sources for increasing or regulating air humidity. In nature, all of these factors depend on solar energy for everything (the whole, understood as the totality of what exists, is often interpreted as the world or…) or part of it (solar energy is the energy transmitted by the sun their radiation is distributed directly). or from…) and from the living. In an anthropized or confined environment (house, car, workplace), the water vapor exhaled by humans (a man is an adult male individual of the species called modern human (Homo…)), that emitted from chimneys and exhaust pipes Water (POTS is an English acronym meaning “Plain Old Telephone System” and can be translated as “Plain Old Telephone System”) sea (The term sea includes several bedridden regions.) or a lake (In limnology, a lake is a large Bodies of water on a continent where there are…), even in tropical areas the air can be much drier than under the canopy (The canopy is the upper floor of the forest that is in direct contact with…) In the desert (The word desert today denotes an area that is barren or not very conducive to…) The air is extremely dry during this time the day (The day or day is the period between sunrise and sunset; it is there…), but can be damp at night.For a constant amount of water vapor, a drop in temperature tends to cause an increase in relative humidity (the relative humidity (or humidity level), commonly known…) until saturation (100% relative humidity); the temperature then corresponds to the dew point temperature (the partial pressure of the water vapor is then the same at saturation pressure).Atmospheric currents bring moisture to areas (high atmosphere, dry regions).Fluctuations in humidity are caused by the presence of materials (a material is a substance of natural or artificial origin that humans form into…) and absorbents (gypsum, wood, etc.) and by the couplings between the water vapor/energy -Exchange (In the general sense, energy refers to everything that makes it possible to do or produce work…)” (evapotranspiration, land wind/sea wind, dew formation and its evaporation).In a natural environment, dew and the very rapid appearance of mold on dead organic matter are indicators of humidity. Β© high relative value.
In a closed environment, high relative humidity favors allergies or pathologies caused by the presence of mites and mold spores. It is one of the elements of the so-called phenomenon of indoor pollution (The term indoor pollution refers to the forms of pollution that affect the environment…). Conversely, too low humidity is a factor in the drying out of the mucous membranes and also in the formation of dust. good health (health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and does not consist of…).

Water vapor condenses on a cold wall and dries out the air