Antonella Clerici was caught kissing the very famous unscrupulous man | Big words fly: “Shame on you”

Clerici kisses himAntonella Clerici and the Kiss – Ifood

Antonella Clerici, the presenter, was caught kissing him, a very famous man. “Shame on you,” the comment that destroys.

If we talk about it Antonella Clerici We must immediately realize that we are hiring a great professional with a lot of experience and a highly respected resume. He took his first steps into the television world by working at local stations. We first met her in Rai Sports journalist and he was mainly concerned with football.

She has been a true pioneer in this direction and recently spoke about this experience during one of her podcast appearances Amateur momdesigned and guided by the divine Diletta Leotta. Antonellinaas she likes to be called in keeping with the clear affection of her fans and friends, over time realized that she was more interested in being a host programs From full of breath.

About twenty years ago he decided to do it culinaryAfter the success of The cooking testwho saw the beautiful woman at the helm for a while Elisa Isoardiit was my turn It's always midday, which airs on Rai Uno. Here he always spoils us with a culinary delight in the company of his chef friends many recipesthat transition easily from appetizer to dessert and that we can imitate ourselves Kitchens.

There is also no shortage of game shows the great exclusive items. In fact, many VIPs love coming to court Clergy to create wonderful things with her Heart-to-heart interviews while they juggle at the stove. And then here are the improvisations that warm the heart and… big outcry also from the many spectators at home.

Antonella Clerici was caught kissing the famous song “Shame on You”.

Now Antonella Was pinched to kiss a man. We are talking about a very famous person who you know well. No, it's not about the fascination Vittorio Garrone, with whom she has been a steady couple for many years and lives in the house in the forest, from which she often posts photos on social media. It's not even one famous ex. Among other things, him That's a long time ago Great friend.

He has become a father many times over time and his youngest son is still very young. He married only once, when he was very young, and then began an intense relationship with a much younger woman with whom he gave birth to a child son who is now a teenager. When this story ended, he began a new one with a girl who had recently made him the child's father Francis. For him and Antonella came the terrible comment “Shame on you”.

Clerici kisses himAntonella Clerici and the Kiss – Ifood

She kisses Gigi and controversy erupts on social media

Let's talk about Gigi D'Alessio who made a foray into an episode of It's always midday to greet Antonella. The Neapolitan singer is one of the judges The Voice Senior, the new edition of which recently aired on Rai Uno. Obviously me you kiss that they exchanged are in there Sign of friendship.

Many users who follow the program's Instagram account have attacked Rai and, in particular, the issue of the license fee. Still others have used this profile to send social messages, such as requesting one Free Palestine. There is also no lack of requests from some to follow their pages to talk about it better. In summary, The question is really hot and there is a lot of chaos on social media.

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