“Why I reported my son”

Why I reported my son

Alice Antico February 25, 2024

Ilona Staller, the former red light diva and former parliamentarian, returned to Silvia Toffanin's living room today to talk about her son Ludwing Koos. The 32-year-old has always been known for his drug addiction and, above all, for his very conflictual relationship with his mother, so much so that Ilona Staller even reported him in the last few months because he had attacked him.

“I reported my son twice, it wasn't normal, I know, but there was nothing I could do. When I first withdrew the ad because I thought he was getting better, I took him to Rome for detoxification, but nothing changed,” Ilona began during the interview, in which there were no emotional moments lacked. “Unfortunately, people who use drugs are trying to get money even though they don’t have what they need. “I always had to keep some money at home every day, sometimes 100, sometimes 200, otherwise he would become aggressive, destroy the house and the next day he couldn't remember anything,” he later confessed.

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Regarding the latest attack, the former “CIcciolina” said to Toffanin: “I would rather my son be in prison than in the ground, if he had died I would have died with him.” Although her son used a weapon, Iona did not declare anything against him , on the contrary: “It is not easy to help children in this sense. Now he is in America building a new life of detoxification, his father is helping him.” . I tried to do everything.

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However, according to Agi, Ludwing Koons, Ilona Staller's son, gave a different version of the facts to the judge: “This is all wrong, my mother and I have an argument, but I never threatened her with a Taser.” I swear. It's something that doesn't belong to me. Then he said of the Taser he found, “A friend of mine gave it to me, I shouldn't have hurt anyone.” And I didn't know it was illegal. Therefore, according to the son's words, the mother's accusation that she was attacked to get money would be false. Then, at the end of the interview, the former “Cicciolina” wanted to send a message for her son: “I love you, try to go back to the way you were before, try to live your life.”