“Santamaria and I were rivals for the role that changed my career. Ozpetek chose me thanks to a dream.

One of the most popular actors of recent times, with a sweet and humble character that has conquered everyone: thanks to him the word “Doc“has taken on a new form and a new face, that of Luca Argentero who, in a short time (one episode), manages to understand the different pathologies suffered by patients who visit the Ambrosiano Polyclinic in Milan. The actor gave a long interview in the podcast Gianluca Gazzoli, Drive past BSMTwhere he talked about what he considers real “sliding doors,” a moment that, in this particular case, changed his life and career forever.

Luca Argentero and the “rivalry” with Claudio Santamaria

Luca ArgenteroGuest of Gianluca Gazzoli at Passa BSMT, spoke about one of the most important events of his career, the film “Saturno Contro” by Ferzan Ozpetek and revealed how he “won” against his rival Claudio Santamaria. “Ferzan has many meetings before choosing his actor. In the specific case of Saturno Contro, Claudio and I were competing for the same role and until a week before filming began, it had to be Claudio. Ferzan called one of them and the other because he was confused. He chooses Claudio, confirms it and shortly afterwards has a dream in which Lorenzo, the character, was supposed to be me. So call Holy Maria to tell him that he wouldn’t make the film anymore,” says Luca Argentero.

This decision by director Özpetek, based on a dream he had a few evenings before filming began, “completely changed the course of my career and 15 years later we can say that he was really in trouble.” Today, in Doc, Argentero is one of the most popular actors on Rai, also thanks to the role of Andrea Fanti, the head doctor of the Policlinico Ambrosiano, who has won the hearts of viewers.


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