“My love, I love you”: This is how the international press reports on Alberto Otárola’s audios

Peru is in the middle of a political scandal Audio distribution between the President of the Council of Ministers, Alberto OtarolaAnd Yazire Pinedo, with whom he would have had a romantic relationship. This material was broadcast on Sunday March 3rd by the Sunday program Panorama. This Tuesday the Prime Minister would return from Canada to the Peruvian country to testify on the matter. Three constitutional complaints against Otárola have now been filed with Congress, calling for his exclusion for ten years.

One day after the audios were broadcast, Yazire Pinedo He ruled on the case and confirmed that it referred to the year 2021, the year in which, as he said, he had a brief love affair with Alberto Otárola. The woman also reported that the material had been changed because it was originally a video. Pinedo also revealed that they were offered money by the Dina Boluarte government to “remove” the PCM boss.

“And when are you going to show up? And when will I see you? Then tell me, love, to speak. You know these things bother, they bother, but you know that I love you too. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Morning? Listen to me, but Send me your CV now and as quickly as possible. (CV). Don't let it be documented, okay, skinny girl? The summary, nothing more and that your cell phone is there so they can call you,” Otárola is heard saying in part of the audio recording.

The International media They also reported the incident and are awaiting the arrival of Otárola Peñaranda in Peru.

YOU CAN SEE: Alberto Otárola LIVE: Hours after his arrival in Peru, they file a third constitutional complaint

The country: A recording implicates the Peruvian Prime Minister in a harassment case: “My love, I love you”

Spanish media carried two news reports about the case Alberto Otárola and Yaziré Pinedoin one of which he placed the famous phrase of the PCM owner: “My love, I love you.” Likewise, he mentioned the possible resignation of the President of the Council of Ministers, who will soon return to Peru from Canada.

My love I love you This is how the international This is how El País reports on Alberto Otárola's audios. Photo: El País/Recording
1709678896 960 My love I love you This is how the international Another note from El País on the Alberto Otárola case. Photo: El País/Recording

The Observer: “My love, I love you”: the sound that triggers another political crisis in Peru; that is known

The Colombian media, like the Spanish media, publishes the famous phrase, which is part of what can be heard in the audio recordings of the Sunday program “Panorama”.

1709678899 819 My love I love you This is how the international This is how El Espectador reports on Alberto Otárola's audios. Photo: El País/Recording

Xinhua: Peruvian prosecutors launch investigation into prime minister over alleged corruption

The Chinese news agency reported on the Peruvian prosecutor's decision in the Alberto Otárola case and published some statements from those involved three paragraphs below.

1709678901 444 My love I love you This is how the international This is how Xinhua reported on the Alberto Otárola case. Photo: Xinhua

DNews: “The public prosecutor’s office has initiated proceedings against Otárola”

The television channel, similar to the Chinese news agency, focused on the prosecutor's decision and described the audio recording as a “scandal.”

1709678903 864 My love I love you This is how the international This is how DNews reported on the Alberto Otárola case. Photo: DNews

cnn: The Peruvian prosecutor is investigating the President of the Council of Ministers for allegedly favoring a person with whom he had a romantic relationship

The American television channel focused on the prosecutor's investigation into the case of Alberto Otárola with Yaziré Pinedo. He doesn't mention the young woman in the headline, simply calling her “a person with whom he would have had a romantic connection.”

1709678906 567 My love I love you This is how the international This is how CNN reported on the Alberto Otárola case. Photo: CNN