Group of diners vomit BLOOD after being served DRY ICE as mouth freshener at an Indian restaurant

  • Five fell ill after consuming the sugar-spice mixture in the city of Gurugram

By James Callery

Published: 12:43, March 6, 2024 | Updated: 5:16 p.m., March 6, 2024

A group of diners vomited blood after being served dry ice as mouth freshener at an Indian restaurant.

Five people fell ill at La Forestta Cafe in the northern Indian city of Gurugram after consuming the sugar-spice mixture traditionally served after a meal in some Indian restaurants.

The restaurant manager was arrested on Tuesday and charged with poisoning “with intent to cause injury or harm,” the BBC reported.

The five guests are seen sticking out their tongues, one whining and another spitting out water. The recordings went viral.

They were all hospitalized after the incident, the publication reported.

The five guests are seen sticking out their tongues, one whining and another spitting out water. The recordings went viralOne of the guests sticks out his tongue

The five guests are seen sticking out their tongues, one whining and another spitting out water at La Forestta Café in the northern Indian city of Gurugram. The recordings went viral

According to the Indian news channel NDTV, two of them are said to be in a critical condition.

After the meal, a waiter offered the group a packet of mouth freshener, but as soon as they consumed it, their mouths began to burn and bleed and they began vomiting.

Police said the mixture contained dry ice – a solid form of carbon dioxide known for its smoke-like vapor and cooling properties.

The sick people were part of a group of six people who had eaten in the restaurant, the police said.

A group member shows her red tongueGuests feel the effects of consuming the mixture. All five who consumed the mixture were hospitalized

A group member shows her red tongue. After the meal, a waiter offered the group a packet of mouth freshener, but as soon as they consumed it, their mouths began to burn and bleed and they began vomiting

Ankit Kumar, a resident of metropolitan Noida, who was dining with his wife and their four friends, did not consume the mixture and filed a police report, according to The Straits Times.

“I showed the mouth freshener packet to a doctor who said it was dry ice.” “According to the doctor, it is an acid that can cause death,” Kumar said.

The customers said in their complaint that employees refused to help them.

The case is currently under investigation and police said they are conducting a forensic analysis of the contents.

The restaurant owner is also being searched for.

Group of diners vomit BLOOD after being served DRY ICE as mouth freshener at an Indian restaurant