Post in French: “Ridiculousing Quebec” is enough! founds marketing expert Toronto

THE Quebec is being ridiculed must stop, says the president of a Toronto marketing firm, shocked by a CBC report suggesting French signage regulations are absurd. “That's not fair Quebec is being ridiculedit is downright Quebec bashing!” protests the French imperative movement.

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” This is the message that Éric Blais, president of Headspace Marketing in Toronto, tries to convey every day to “decision makers in English Canada doing business in Quebec.”

In fact, many of them are worried because, according to a proposed regulation presented earlier this year, by June 2025 all companies will have to ensure that their signs contain twice as much French as any other language.

“It is certainly restrictive, like any new regulation,” admits the marketer. “But it’s also a great business opportunity.”

Post in French Ridiculousing Quebec is enough founds marketing

Éric Blais is president of Toronto marketing firm Headspace. “decency”

Quebec bashing

However, Mr. Blais notes that it is a little more difficult to get that message across these days because of an atmosphere of mockery of Quebec that maintains “confusion and uncertainty” about the requirements that will soon have to be met.

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As an example, the marketer cites a CBC report that, among other things, explains what certain companies (Canadian Tire, Subway, Costco, Dollarama) would look like if they strictly applied the models exemplified in the infographics created by the government.

To a little jazz tune, we then see giant French words (store, restaurant, warehouse) appear above the signs of certain businesses, all with a sound effect that gives the whole thing a rather comical look.

“There is a little tone of voice that suggests that it is ridiculous and that really doesn't help,” breathes Éric Blais, while clarifying that he is “not defending the law or the government,” which he believes should provide clearer guidelines Company.

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This is exactly the point of the report, defended the CBC in a written statement. “The purpose of our story was to highlight the apparent confusion surrounding the law and the lack of clarity on this matter,” a spokesperson said in an email in English.

The president of the French Imperative Movement, Jean-Paul Perreault, sees this report differently. “It’s Francophobia, it’s extremism […] ! “, he said indignantly in an interview.


Without going that far, Mr. Blais emphasizes that the misconception that the word “store” has to be written everywhere is on the rise among business people. “Everyone is sticking to that […]. But this interpretation is a little short-sighted,” argues the president of the Toronto company, recalling that the overall presence of French should be at the forefront on permanent and visible exhibits.

“In reality, it is an opportunity for retailers to strengthen the value of their brand and differentiate themselves from the competition, for example by adding a slogan,” he explains.

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“We spend a fortune on advertising to show what we have to offer, and yet we already have walls that could very well be used for that!”

“It may require adjustments to municipal or shopping center regulations, but there remains a more realistic route to comply with the legislation.”

“Ultimately, there will be entrepreneurs who recognize the business opportunity and are willing to comply. Others will do it by giving in, and others will not do it and be fined,” the marketer concludes prosaically.

Advertisement in French: “Opponents spread falsehoods,” says Quebec

It is not the government's fault if there is confusion about the signage rules in French, defends the office of Minister Jean-François Roberge, who believes that some of his opponents are showing disbelief.

“Yes,” said a spokesman for the Office of the Minister of French Language when asked whether he believed there was misinformation circulating about the draft regulation on commercial signage in French.

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Archive photo

“Unfortunately, this is often the case when it comes to Quebec defending its distinctiveness and its French face,” he added.

But doesn't the government bear some of the responsibility for the confusion surrounding the rules it wants to introduce? “We can always do better,” agreed Mr Roberge’s cabinet, before heaping abuse on his opponents.

“However, good will is required and unfortunately some opponents seem to prefer spreading falsehoods and stirring up fear rather than actually taking part in the debate,” it said, without giving a specific example.

The government is clear

Although a marketing expert who supports English-Canadian companies operating in Quebec claims that the government's infographics are not entirely sufficient to understand the nuances of the proposed regulation, Quebec says it has provided “illustrative examples to encourage Quebecers to inform about future requirements.” .

“The Office québécois de la langue française has also met with dozens of companies since the publication of the draft regulations to explain to them the government's intentions,” Mr. Roberge's office added.

Finally, Quebec recalls that the final regulation “has not yet entered into force” and that the comments received are currently being evaluated.


We have therefore asked the government to comment on a situation that is often discussed in the public sphere. Does Canadian Tire actually have to write the word “Store” in large letters on all branches?

“It is the OQLF that carries out the analysis of compliance with the Charter and our rules for specific cases,” the company initially announced.

However, the presence of descriptions and general French terms such as “automotive center” or “garden center” could ensure that Canadian Tire does not have to change its ad, it said at the time.

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“I can’t speak for all of the retailer’s banners, but from the examples I’ve seen they appear to be consistent with the government’s intentions.”

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