Insolvency of Juste pour Rire: The affected comedians' tours will not be canceled

Just for Laughs' bankruptcy announcement Tuesday surprised many people, including several comedians who had tours produced by the company. After hours of confusion, the comedians affected by the decision said their tours would be maintained, contrary to the initial announcement.

• Also read: Crisis at Just for Laughs: ComediHa! ready to help

• Also read: Just for Laughs is seeking protection from its creditors

• Also read: Just for Laughs bankruptcy: “We learned it at the same time as everyone else,” says Minister Mathieu Lacombe

“It's not Eve Côté who's bankrupt, it's Just for Laughs,” the comedian wrote on Instagram. My show is going well, we are on our way to 100,000 tickets sold, thanks to you! Give me 48 hours and I’ll get back to you with good news.”

“My tour remains in place, both for the shows already announced and for others that will be added,” wrote Louis T. […] We are resuming tour production. I’m a producer now!”

“We’re not sounding the death knell for my tour yet. A boy like no other! said Jean-Sébastien Girard. My extraordinary agency is currently evaluating how we can produce the show ourselves.”

Comedian Neev, whose media premieres were scheduled for March 12 (Quebec) and March 26 (Montreal), also wrote on social media that nothing had changed for his tour. The same goes for Mélanie Couture, who will launch her model in the coming months.

  • Listen to the column on culture and society with Jean-François Baril and Sophie Durocher QUB :

Waitress in the waiting line

As for the musical “Waitress,” no official decision has been made yet for the show, which is scheduled to be performed in Montreal on June 22 and in Quebec in August. We hope a new producer takes over.

Contacted by Le Journal, the fascinator Messmer confirmed that his tour of Quebec planned for the fall was not affected by this news. No decision has yet been made regarding the two performances scheduled during the festival in July. “We’re waiting to hear more,” he said.

Jay Du Temple's team, which planned to present five shows at five different locations at Just for Laughs, did not confirm to the Journal whether the performances would be canceled or not.