Isola 2022, May 16: Mercedesz and Nicolas in nominations. Ilary Blasi falls off the stool. Clemente eliminated

Isola 2022, May 16: Mercedesz and Nicolas in nominations. Ilary Blasi falls off the stool. Clemens eliminated. Instead, Blind loses televoting and ends up on a new island with Licia and Fabrizia. They went in on Monday evening four new competitors Pamela Petrarolo, Marco Maccarini, Gennaro Auletto and Luca Daffre.

Also Read> The Island of the Famous Loses Parts. After Roger comes Nick on crutches. Here’s what’s up

Isola 2022 May 16 Mercedesz and Nicolas in nominations Ilary


01.36 The chronicle of the 17th episode of the Island of the Famous ends here, appointment on Friday with the live broadcast of

01:32 Blind lands on the new island and is then accompanied by Licia and Fabrizia

1:25 Mercedesz has the most votes in the group. Leaders must make a middle name and choose Nicolas

01.24 Pamela – Mercedesz

01.23 Gennaro – Guendalina

01.22 Marco – Mercedesz, Luca idem

01.20 Stephanie-Nicolas

01.17 Estefania on nomination position while Ilary falls off the stool “I’m unbalanced”

01.14 Lory-Nicolas

01.07 Mercedesz – Guendalina

01.05 Marco – Nicolas

01.04 Nicolas chooses Mercedesz

00:56 Carmen – Mercedesz

00:54 Edoardo – Mercedesz

00:52 Let’s start with the nominations. Guendalina chooses Mercedesz

00:50 Nicolas was injured, hitting his foot on the root of a mangrove while walking and is now in the infirmary

00.48 Next week Chloe, the most focused girl of this issue and a friend of Estefania, will land on the island together with a friend of Alessandro to surprise her

12:40 am Stephanie wins. Licia and Fabrizia land on a new island

00:39 The fight between Estefania and Fabrizia begins

00:32 Laura Maddaloni in the studio: «I haven’t developed any strategies, I’m a real woman, but aggression is something else. I’m happy that Clementi is coming back because I think he suffered my lane, he’s actually a good guy – then he turns to Vladimir – I’ve always appreciated you, I thought your participation might be an added value for me was too keen on liking you. To you who have always fought the ignorance of people who only care for appearances, you have done the same to me. You do not know anything about me”. Vladimir «That’s not true, at first you seemed right to me, then I didn’t do anything, you did everything. To me you were a great champion, a great mother, but not a good castaway. Even if I hadn’t said anything, people would still have sent you out, believe me. Then yes, you were aggressive to me, I have to tell you that!”

00.30 Licia cannot handle the rotisserie due to medical reasons, so Fabrizia takes her place. Licia will go to a new beach

00.28 Licia can choose who to challenge between Fabrizia and Estefania, whoever wins returns to the game

00.28 The castaways have to choose who to challenge between Licia, Fabrizia and Estefania to face a duel. First name is Licia

00.24 THE shipwrecked man who must finally leave the island of the famous and return to Italy is Clemente Russo

00.21 The castaway with the most votes and who can rejoin the game is Marco Cucolo

00.16 Stops televoting flash

00.06 Leaders can nominate 4 who will offer an aperitif

00.06 The two boys exceed 6 minutes and are both leaders. Alvin coughs and tries to drink more while Ilary laughs in amusement: “It’s badness”

23.57 Alessandro and Maria Laura ready for the leader exam

23.52 Flash televoting opens, most votes return that day, least voted return to Italy

23.51 connection with Playa Sgamada, which is about to disappear, and Clemente Russo, Estefania Bernal, Licia Nunez, Fabrizia Santarelli and Marco Cucolo will land on a new island

23.48 There are two ex aequo and the leaders Alessandro and Marialaura have to decide who to send to the rotisserie. Maria Laura applies as Alessandro

23.46 The shipwrecked must write on the board the name of the companion they wish to have as their leader

23:41 Alessandro Frienzona Maria Laura who feels hurt. Alessandro: “I doubt that you have zero interest in me, just an ulterior motive”. Guendalina enters with a straight leg: “You also like Mercedesz, if you enter as conquistadors, I think you are three truffadores … Alessandro is the best boy in the world and he always said he had his times.”

23.35 Clip about Alessandro and Maria Laura

The island of the famous is losing parts. After Roger comes Nick on crutches. Here’s what’s up

23.20 Lory del Santo is very happy and takes the opportunity to attack Nicolas. “He speaks badly of everyone, I only say good things. He only goes on video when he argues.” However, Ilary points out that all the unsaved say that Lory secretly speaks ill of the castaways

23.16 In the next episode, the 4 new shipwrecked Pamela Petrarolo, Marco Maccarini, Gennaro Auletto and Luca Daffrè will undergo elimination

23.14 The new castaways can grant immunity to a new entrant and choose Lory Del Santo

23.07 It’s time for the entry of two tracks from the 90s, Pamela Petrarolo and Marco Maccarini

Isola 2022, Gwendolyn returns to the game from injury but the public take notice of a definite “What has he done?”

23.03 test failed

22.54 Castaways The two new castaways Luca and Gennaro will also take part in the reward test. to get blankets for the night

22:46 Blind kisses Mercedesz who will have a point in today’s nominations

22.46 Nick can’t go to the televoting because he will leave the game for 5 days to get his foot treated well in the infirmary

22.45 The shipwrecked man who has to leave the palapa is blind. Lory del Santo saves

22.44 The first castaway is Nicolas, the second is Nick

22.43 One of Blind, Nick Luciani, Nicolas Vaporidis and Lory Del Santo have to leave the palapa towards Playa Sgamada. Closed televoting

22:28 Carmen Di Pietro and Alessandro Iannoni receive a sweet surprise. Carmelina, daughter and sister of the two castaways, will be in touch with them from the studio.

22.16 Gennaro and Luca are greeted benevolently by everyone except Carmen “There are more mouths to feed”

22.14 Here is the clip of the first two castaways who will land tonight: Gennaro Auletto and Luca Daffrè

Isola 2022, Edoardo in crisis with Mercedesz: “I don’t trust”. Nicolas accusation “She was engaged before entering”

22.09 Ilary asks Edoardo to side with Nicolas or Mercedesz, Tavassi chooses his friend «I trust him, I don’t trust her. In two months he showed me that I can trust him and if she let her go a week before theory he did a clip saying I like that… was she engaged? Then I don’t trust”

22.06 Mercedesz: «Maybe I got infected too quickly, but it seemed mutual to me. Gwendolyn didn’t know who I was engaged to, I said I only left for a very short time. My last engagement was a year ago, I went on two dates.”

22.03 This extreme defense by Mercedesz also makes Edoardo suspicious: “I joke and play, but she’s not my girlfriend, I still have to get confirmation from her.” Gwendolyn also sees an overly forced reaction, in part because Gwendolyn knew she had recently left.

9:57 p.m. Mercedesz: “I say that if I hadn’t been interested, I would never have tried to tell him what I thought. I was laughed at and excluded from a group I didn’t think existed. Nicolas: «Yes, I won for the nomination, having been nominated by Carmen, Nick and her, all this has made her angry at me and you can’t tell her anything. What happened between me and Edo… I didn’t like getting in my way and judging myself like that and I don’t agree with that. In my opinion, she has a forced attitude to behave like a wife after 5 days is a little suspicious, she is attached to Edo like Carmen is attached to spaghetti. If she were honest she would be waiting for Edoardo’s time….as Marcedes was also engaged before entering I think she’s a bit forced”

21.53 Nicolas is still being accused by a group of castaways led by Mercedesz

9:50 p.m. Connection with Alvin. Nick has crutches, Alvin fills the public in on Nick and Roger’s state of knowledge. Roger has sustained a minor sprain and is recovering well.” Guendalina has returned

21.47 Ilary Blasi in the studio

21.43 Tonight a new era dawns: Two Sgamati return to the game and four new castaways land on the island. The anticipation clip

Also read > Isola 2022, Roger is injured and collapses: «He can’t speak». Do you remain at risk?

1652766089 494 Isola 2022 May 16 Mercedesz and Nicolas in nominations Ilary

The four are ready to help the castaways continue their adventure, but of course their entry tonight is during the Live broadcast of the 17th episode, it will also upset the balance of the group. The residents of Playa Sgamada will leave their atoll forever and colonize new islands of Cayo Cochinos.

But not all of them: one of them will leave the game forever and have to return to Italy, while the other two can return to the game. What fate awaits Clemente Russo, Estefania Bernal, Licia Nunez, Fabrizia Santarelli and Marco Cucolo?

Carmen Di Pietro and Alessandro Iannoni receive a sweet surprise. Carmelina, daughter and sister of the two castaways, will be in touch with them from the studio.

One of Blind, Nick Luciani, Nicolas Vaporidis and Lory Del Santo has to leave the palapa towards Playa Sgamada. Finally room for the new nominations coordinated by Alvin. “L’Isola dei Famosi” will be broadcast again on Friday 20th May.

Last updated: Tuesday, May 17th, 2022, 7:01am