The Secrets of the Novo Ogarevo Residence: Here is the Tsar’s Bunker

Anyone who follows the war in Ukraine closely knows that everything is manipulated by the Kremlin, but not only from there: Vladimir Putinafter becoming increasingly paranoid, he prefers to spend most of his time locked in his office rather than going into his office bunker golden, in which it keeps encounters to a minimum. This is the Ostiva property in the town of Novo-Ogaryovo, an exclusive suburb frequented by celebrities and oligarchs, just outside central Moscow. Why are we talking about bunkers? Because he doesn’t go out and greet people with a dropper, he’s practically self-isolating like he was in the days of Covid.

His typical day

Surrounded by a huge staff ranging from bodyguards to those sampling all types of food to avoid the risk of poisoning, he now keeps everyone at a distance. It could be described as “cabin syndrome” like the one that has plagued millions of people around the world due to two years of restrictions and closures due to the pandemic. No, Putin does not have this syndrome, but a worse malaise, perhaps also due to his precarious state of health. As Professor explained Markus Galeotti, Professor of Eastern European Studies at University College London, at the Daily Mail, Putin gets up late in the morning, goes to the gym and swims, and then gets to work. “He doesn’t trust the internet and insists on paper briefings,” explains the teacher.

Because he doesn’t meet anyone

According to his intelligence service, the tsar decides who to talk to and contact him via video conference because he now avoids live meetings whenever possible “because it gives him control over what he hears and what he doesn’t hear.” . But not only: as recently happened with that director from the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, upset with the development of the Russian economy, Putin simply pressed a button and ended the call. A gentleman. Live couldn’t do it. Other generals and commanders are also now considered humble subordinates as in the case of GerasimovChief of Staff and Secretary of Defense Shoigu, often treated with fish in the face. “Aware Kremlin observers believe that Putin is spending much of his time alone, contemplating the war and contemplating strategy on the ground, which is alarming for Russia because history tells us this is the polar opposite of what it should do.” , emphasizes Galeotti.

The comparison with Hitler

In his long interview with the British newspaper, Galeotti compared Putin to this Hitler in memory of the leader imprisoned in the Berlin bunker, from where he gave orders to the generals. At this historical moment, for the reasons described above and the fear of being killed at any moment, the President of Russia is exhibiting the same everyday behavior, as revealed by numerous sources and former spies who know him very well. Putin is surrounded by “ruthless pragmatists. If he wanted to bomb NATO, there would be people who would think: ‘Right, the boss is becoming too dangerous,’ emphasizes the professor.” What is striking now is how much it looks like it. isolated Putin, he concludes, not many around him would take a bullet for the president. Putin will eventually leave and no one will cry.”