England leaves wife and children for Ukrainian refugee he has been hosting for 10 days: ‘I want to live forever…

The British tabloids talk about practically nothing else: the story of Tony Garnett, 29-year-old Bradford security guard, and his ‘new life’ stands out in the Daily Mail, the Sun, the Mirror. And it fuels comment and controversy. Because Tony Garnett’s new life is called Sofiia Karkadym, 22, Ukrainian from Lemberg. Fleeing the war, Sofia was taken into the guard’s house as part of a humanitarian project. That not even ten days later he left his wife Lorna and their two children. “I fell in love, I want to spend the rest of my life with Sofia,” the man told the Daily Mail.

“We hosted her, we opened the doors of the house and this is how she repays us?” Garnett’s wife gushed. “He doesn’t realize the damage he’s done to me: he’s turned all of our lives upside down in less than two weeks.” has already moved into his parents’ house with Sofiia. Ready to start a new life.