Will Australia’s Labor government push climate change to the fore? World News In World News in

Video duration 25 minutes 00 seconds 25:00

From: Inside Story

Australia’s conservative coalition has been voted out after nearly a decade in power.

Australia has experienced unprecedented bushfires and flooding in recent years.

Extreme weather has put climate change high on voters’ agendas.

And the Greens and pro-climate Independents made big gains in Saturday’s election at the expense of the conservative coalition.

Australia is a major fossil fuel exporter and plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have often been rejected by the outgoing government.

Neighboring Pacific islands say Australia is blocking climate action even as their territories face drowning.

Unstable relations with island nations are spilling over into security as concerns mount in Australia and the United States over China’s recent deal with the Solomon Islands.

How will Australia’s new government deal with China’s growing influence in the Pacific?

moderator: Hashem Ahelbarra


Carlyle Thayer – Professor Emeritus at the University of New South Wales and Director of Thayer Consultancy

Anna Skarbek, Managing Director of the Center for Climate Work

Gregory Melleuish – Professor of History and Politics at the University of Wollongong
