Gf Vip, ex Gieffina on Sophie Codegoni’s attack: "It defined me "small bag" but she was not disqualified"

“Sophie Codegoni? She had to end up like Clizia Incorvaia,” former protagonists of Big Brother Vip lash out fiercely at the former Tronista of Men and Women.

The Showgirl of Catania Maria Monseamong the former protagonists of the sixth edition of Big brother VIPreturned to talk about her former reality-adventure companions during a radio interview granted to Radio Radio.

Gf Vip, Maria Monsè on the attack of Sophie Codegoni: “She called me” Buscettina “but she was not disqualified”

Despite the Monse stayed in home For the past few weeks, he doesn’t seem to have a good memory of the experience, especially considering other former girlfriends. After she repeatedly spoke to the sisters with unflattering words Selassiethat Monsein a recent interview on the radio show Non Succederà Più, also attacked harshly Sophie Codegoni, the former Tronista of men and women, among the protagonists of the edition.

“Also she didn’t treat me well, I noticed that she tried to turn everyone against me, she made a bit of good weather and bad weather. Then she either kissed on one side or kissed on the other side. She always took the excuses she kissed to prove whether she fell in love or not, good excuse for her.

It still is:

“She kissed, but in the meantime she wasn’t in love, so she was allowed to kiss the next one because the love hadn’t happened. C” was once in the house that I was really upset because she had me by everyone He had me also defined as small buscettina, if in previous editions we do not name names, my daughter also remembers whom, a person eliminated for an identical expression.

Maria Monse also spoke of Alex Belli and Delia Duran:

“They are very nice. Gossip aside, let’s say Alex is a person with a sensitive soul. Now and then we hear each other, he listens to my daughter playing the piano and is touched. I like it so much after we met it was always sweet along with Soleil was supportive. On a human level I can say that he is a person who has a sensitivity that I have not found in others, so I give him every possible and imaginable point.

The former competitor of Big brother VIP also reveals who she stayed in touch with:

“I’ve remained friends with Valeria Marini, Amedeo Goria and Giacomo… everyone’s friend, he’s nice, he admits he likes to gossip and for that reason gets along with me.”

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