They blackmail him and demand $5,000 after an erotic chat, the 17 year old dies of suicide a few hours later

The horrific story of a young teenager, 17-year-old Ryan Last, who took his own life in his home hours after being scammed and blackmailed online.

They blackmail him and demand 5000 after an erotic chat

Convinced to join one erotic chat he finally got online with what he thought was a girl and then urged her to post a nude photo blackmailed with the threat to reveal this shot to friends and relatives. It is the sequence of events that, within a few hours, led to the suicide of a young American teenager, 17-year-old Ryan Last, who took his own life hours after an internet scam.

A terribly tragic event that parents and friends could not explain for months until the police reconstructed and brought to light the hours immediately before the extreme act reality everyone ignored.

1653282187 397 They blackmail him and demand 5000 after an erotic chat

The boy wasthe end of a sexual blackmail after stumbling upon a scam where someone poses as a beautiful girl ready to be seen naked. The scammer, posing as a girl, sent Ryan a nude photo and then asked the boy to share an explicit picture of himself in return.

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However, the online conversation quickly turned from intimacy to blackmail. Immediately after Ryan shared his intimate photo, it was indeed the cybercriminal he asked him for $5,000She threatened to make the photo public and send it to Ryan’s family and friends.

1653282187 590 They blackmail him and demand 5000 after an erotic chat

A sum that was absolutely unattainable for the minor from San Jose, California, and which he therefore tried to negotiate. Eventually the request was reduced the only $150 the boy could shell out but even though he paid the scammers with all his small savings, they continued to insist that he get more money back and continued to threaten him.

A unbearable pressure for the boy who was afraid that if the shot was fired, he would not be able to cope with the shame. A tension that finally drove him to the extreme gesture in his home. Mom last greeted him at 10pm, the next morning at 2am Ryan was betrayed and took his own life.

1653282187 161 They blackmail him and demand 5000 after an erotic chat

“At this moment he really thought there was no way he could get away with it if those photos were actually posted online. His note showed that he was absolutely terrified. No boy should be so afraid,” his mother told CNN, deciding to go public with the story to prevent other boys from falling into the same trap.

“You need to talk to your children because we need to make them aware of this. How can these people look in the mirror when they know $150 is more important than a boy’s life? For me there is no other word than ‘bad’.” there They care more about money than boy life‘ the woman said, concluding, ‘I don’t want anyone else to go through what we went through’.