How to Cook Tofu Dishes (Beyond Stir Fry and Miso Soup)

How to Cook Tofu Dishes Beyond Stir Fry and Miso

When it lacks flavor, when its texture isn’t pleasing, when it’s for vegetarians and vegans, or when it’s not for men, tofu’s integrity is compromised from time to time. This shy food has big enemies, who shout that there is nothing better than eating a steak, photograph it and upload it to Instagram, and mention Minister Alberto Garzón for his crazy recommendations (which even the most outdated nutritionists and doctors support in almost unison ).

Tofu comes from soybeans, a legume that is growing in strength thanks to its nutritional profile. It contains all the essential amino acids for our body, such as chickpeas. It is a great source of protein with a high biological value of plant origin that gives it all kinds of beneficial properties. However, there are health recommendations that advise us to regulate the consumption of isoflavone-enriched soy. This is not found in all soy derivatives that we find on the market, as tofu is one of the derivatives without it.

To prepare tofu, you need to rehydrate the legumes, boil them in water and grind them: later, the resulting preparation is strained, and the liquid obtained is gelled with an agent called nigari. The end result is pressed and you get a tofu block. If anything can be attributed to meat reactionaries and libertarians, it’s that tofu has no flavor (although we don’t see that complaint when it comes to pasta or rice). Generally it is flat and somewhat bland, but it must be appreciated for its ability to absorb flavors: in the gastronomy where it emerged (China), the use of spices and fermented foods imparts powerful aromas and flavors to tofu.

An example of this is the traditional Mapo tofu, a stew with chilies, fermented beans, garlic, Szechuan pepper and ground beef, where the tofu soaks up all the flavors that make it a bomb. While most uses are for stews, soups, and stir-fries, tofu’s properties lend themselves to many more uses.

Gluten free bakery and confectionery

When I’m not writing, I cook and spend my workdays running the kitchen of a place where we try to innovate with our stuff. One of the issues that sometimes arises is the quality of gluten-free pastries. Flours, starches and lack of elasticity generally result in dry and grainy products. The lack of gluten is not easy to fix as it serves as the protein matrix of the diet. Because it’s pure protein, finding a way to replace it is crucial. That means if we need an elastic protein mesh but can’t benefit from gluten, we need to create one.

In general, gelling agents such as psyllium powder and xanthan gum are added to gluten-free baked goods and confectionery. While that’s a giant step, it leaves me a bit lame. Luckily, tofu is pure protein, and when we use it as a new matrix, it helps counteract the grainy texture of gluten-free flours. It also moisturizes and prevents the crumb from drying out and easily falling apart. Calculate that for every 350 grams of flour and starch, a contribution of 75 grams of shredded or ground tofu is perfect for creating a protein network.

When it comes to baking, however, different laws apply: fermentation by yeasts and the lower amount of fat used mean that we eat far less tofu. To make a gluten-free focaccia, I use 45 grams of tofu for the sum of flour and starch. In short, tofu is an ally in gluten-free baking and pastries, but it applies equally to any type of dough where it is important to keep the crumb moist well.

salads and cold dishes

Nothing beats a good vinaigrette, and nothing benefits from it like tofu. Depending on the consistency, there are different types of tofu; silken or soft tofu is best for cold dishes. Its texture is a bit reminiscent of a fusion of cooked egg whites and gelatin. Since it doesn’t need to be cooked, it makes things a lot easier. The photo you see above is a tofu salad with a quick tomato dressing, doubanjiang, garlic, sugar, vinegar and soy sauce. Sautéed for no more than five minutes, it is poured onto the tofu and allowed to cool. Before eating, a few strips of fresh ginger round off the dish. If you want to simplify it even further, a tofu salad with avocado, soy sauce, lime, peanuts and cilantro does not have to be cooked or prepared for the dressing. Or the liang pi salad, which traditionally doesn’t benefit from tofu, but here’s a twist that does. In Asia you can often find even softer tofu varieties than here, some resemble jelly. Add some nuts, dried fruit and some brown sugar syrup (or honey) and we have a very typical Chinese street dessert. And if we want to think of ways to beat the terrible summer heat, tofu is perfect for making homemade ice cream. Crush the tofu and add cocoa powder, some coconut milk, nuts, sugar and put in the freezer. In a few hours you will have a tofu ice cream that is nutritionally very complete.

spreads and creams

One of the best options I’ve found in tofu is turning it into a spreadable cream. When you shred firm tofu and add a good amount of sesame oil, fish sauce (or soy sauce), salt, a pinch of sugar, and another pinch of glutamate, you have an incredible base on which to top roasted peppers or eggplant. Accompany it with chopped shallot and any aromatic herb you like and some chili oil or toasted butter on top. If you’re looking for a substitute for mayonnaise, this tofunesa from Mònica Escudero is for you.

If the vegetable creams are a bit soft and runny, an extra portion of tofu not only rounds out the nutritional profile, but also makes it thicker and creamier. Sweat one onion, 300 grams of cauliflower, half a zucchini, two cloves of garlic, a tablespoon of fresh ginger and 250 grams of tofu with a pinch of ras el hanout, lemon juice and coconut milk: Decorate with mint leaves and enjoy.

different formats

The easiest to find tofu is in blocks, either soft or firm, but if we do some research we can find other formats that add to its tremendous versatility. For example, tofu skin looks like noodles and can be a perfect substitute for noodles when you’re aiming for a higher protein intake. Fried tofu is like a sponge that absorbs a lot of the broth it’s in; personally one of my favorite things in a hot pot. Depending on the fermentation format, we find hairy tofu (in which a kind of fungus is grown) and stinky tofu (the name is more than deserved and difficult to find outside of Asia). There is also a variety of tofu fermented in chili oil, which is used like a pie, although it serves as a flavoring for any hot preparation. Another of the most well-known formats is tempeh, which has a similar manufacturing process to tofu, but requires the fermentation of soy beforehand.

A few more tricks

When hard tofu freezes and thaws, it loses some of its water, leaving many small holes that we can fill with marinades that give the tofu the flavor we want: ideally, you dice it first to make the process easier, and when you thaw it, we do will have it ready to receive a spicy bath. A mixture of soy sauce or miso, vinegar for the acidity, some olive or sesame oil, curry, sweet or hot paprika and some resting time turn the tofu into a flavor bomb. Would you also like a creamy texture? Use a satay sauce or this peanut sauce as a base.

To get a crispy crust that contrasts with the tender interior, we can lightly brush the tofu with a little cornstarch before sautéing, always over a cheerful heat to aid in crust formation. Crumbled it can be used as a substitute for ground beef in pasta sauces or lasagna, and stirred with some turmeric for colour, oil and Kala Namak salt we have a perfect vegan substitute for scrambled eggs (and without eggs, so perfect for allergy sufferers too) .

In short, tofu is a food with many possibilities. Not knowing how to make the most of it is totally normal as it is not common in our gastronomy, but as with everything in life there is a learning process. Unless you’re willing to examine recipes and ingredients that come from the grocery store next to your house, it’s logical to stick to the surface when it comes to utilizing groceries. All you need is desire, energy and information.