Adriane Bonato speaks after Claudia Rodrigues’ marriage proposal

Claudia Rodrigues and Adriane Bonato Reproduction Internet

Claudia Rodrigues and Adriane BonatoReproduction Internet

Published on 09.06.2022 09:23

Rio Businesswoman Adriane Bonato finally spoke out about the marriage proposal she received from actress Claudia Rodrigues in the early hours of Thursday. In a video posted to Instagram, Adriane said she was surprised by the artist’s attitude.

“Good night planet, how are you? I am recording this video to position myself on Claudinha’s proposal. But before I speak to you, I would like to apologize to all the press for not replying to you as quickly as I always do, but they were as surprised as I was,” he began.

She also said she will meet with Claudia Rodrigues to talk and resolve the situation. “I had to think, I had to think because there is love between both parties, it’s just that I’ve always been professionally involved with Claudia, worked with her, done things and now with this change I’ve had to think, things in Put things in order and understand everything so I can talk. You got me, didn’t you? I didn’t expect that from you, no, but it’s ok, tomorrow I’ll go there so we can talk and solve this together. , he said.

Adriane explained that she would only speak publicly about it again after speaking to Claudia.


In March of this year, Adriane Bonato announced the end of her professional partnership with Claudia Rodrigues. “I hereby inform the press, friends, family and fans of actress and world comedian Claudia Rodrigues that I, Adriane Bonato, her manager since 2013, are ending my professional contract with her effective today. It’s almost 10 years of dedication, love, affection, respect and partnership, we’ve been through many things together, we’ve fought every day all these years and thank God we’ve won all the battles, even the impossible ones,” he began.

“I carry in my heart a great deal of gratitude for the opportunity and satisfaction of having worked with the best comedian in this country, and I am fortunate and very fulfilled to have been a part of this story of great victories. May success and victories continue and may happiness be a diligent companion for her and for all who will continue this mission as it has been mine throughout the time I have worked with Claudinha,” he said.

This Tuesday, the day she turned 52, Claudia Rodrigues published a video on social networks in which she assumed that she had a romantic relationship with Adriane and asked her to come back, also asking her to him to marry.

“Guys, I really want you guys to respect and understand this moment that I’m going through. And please don’t judge me! I just want to be happy and I have seen that this is only possible with the man in my life! my life is a woman! And that woman is Adriane Bonato, an incredible person who gave me back my life and the will to live and fight for my life every day!” he began.

“I wanted to share this with you and say that I am asking for a birthday present: Dri understands that I love her, that I cannot live without her and without her I languish and suffer. And I want to live with her for the rest of my life. That’s why I want her to accept my marriage proposal. That’s my suggestion!” continued.

“I want to share with you what’s happening to me and why I’m so sad, I don’t feel like doing anything. You know that I have been suffering from multiple sclerosis for 22 years and that God has given me a guardian angel who has taken care of me, my career, my whole life for 10 years: Adriane Bonato, who has always been by my side at all times what you don’t know, those ten years were the best ten years of my life. I have never been so happy, so well taken care of. And all of that caring from Dri made me feel a different way that I’ve never felt about a man,” she said.

Claudia also asked the businesswoman to come back, suggesting there was a split between the two. “Remember when I was in a coma for 15 days between life and death? When I woke up I looked to the side, Dri was there and praying for my life. I was sure that I want to live with her for the rest of my Life,forever.An amazing caring honest and very combative person.And he always gave his life for me!I don’t worry about what people will say about me,what they will think,I just want to as next be happy to a person who gave me life. And the desire to keep fighting every day. Dri, come back, I love you very much. Marry me? I’m waiting for you,” he said.