Putin killed or removed? Who is Alexander Bortnikov, the former KGB spy that the elite in the Kremlin want

According to a British newspaper, the Dailystar, internal opposition to the Russian regime has identified a possible successor to Putin among the Russian espionage elite. It would be Alexander Bortnikov, a former KGB agent, accused of contributing to the death of a spy on British soil. Despite his 70 years, Bortnikov is portrayed as a “dove” capable of reconnecting with the West and avoiding Russia’s economic catastrophe. The information comes via Ukraine’s intelligence agency, which claims to have uncovered a plot hatched at the highest levels of Russian society to dethrone Putin. To remove Vlad, the Russians are reportedly considering all options, including poisoning and simulating an accident. And if they are successful, according to Ukrainian services, his former teammate Alexander Bortnikov would be in pole position to replace him.

Putin, the poison theory: «The elite wants to eliminate him». And the food comes only from the estates of Patriarch Kirill

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The role

This is information to be treated with caution. As in all wars, in addition to ground combat, there is also fighting on the front lines of propaganda and psychology. In this context, the role of the secret services is fundamental in providing narrative “ammunition” to the “friendly” press organs, with the aim of calming public opinion on one’s own side and confusing the ideas of those closest to the enemy side.

When Russia invaded Ukraine, everyone noticed the effectiveness of Kiev history. Aided by the fact that between Goliath (Russia) and David (Ukraine) it is psychologically easier to cheer for David, and also because the TV appearances of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told how moving and tough the resistance of the troops is not could be better and the Ukrainian population. Instead, at least at first, the image of Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared physically distant and even haughty, locked in a edifice of glittering rooms populated by extras kept at a sidereal distance, including his generals.

Faced with the dramatic standstill in operations on the ground and the increasingly tragic death toll (including Russian officers and soldiers), Putin then made a turning point by deciding to speak at a stadium staffed with a hearty and proud crowd of the “z”. was. A symbol of the war, yes, of Russia’s special operation on Ukrainian territory.

On the same evening of Putin’s rally, Zelensky responded with a television statement filmed in an empty square in Kyiv. Symbolic message to Putin: “I don’t have to fill a stadium to let people know that my people are with me.”

The rumors about his health

From that day on, massive leaks began in the Ukrainian newspapers and websites, and then in the western ones, especially the British and Americans, first about Putin’s health, then about his “manias”, like watching the video of Gaddafi’s arrest , and then about a possible plan to replace him at the head of the Kremlin. Even an Italian TV show circulated the legend that in the Israeli delegation meeting Putin in recent days there was a body language analysis luminary (apparently under the guise of a diplomat) whose job it was to gauge the level of awareness of reality to understand the Russian guide.