Toni Costa and Evelyn Beltrán: the couple’s most romantic moments | United States Celebrities | nnda nnlt | FAME

Tony Costa In 2021 he announced his separation Adamari Lopez and a short time later he was connected to Evelyn Beltran. Despite the fact that the Spaniard initially denied this information, this year 2022 he confirmed it and since then both have been seen very happy and in love on social networks.

MORE INFORMATION: Evelyn Beltrán celebrated her 27th anniversary with Toni Costa

The new couple also had a number of romantic moments that made their fans happy, although they also provoked a number of negative comments from the ‘s loyal followers Adamari Lopezwho did not agree with the new stage of the well-known dancer.

Toni Costa's new partner has a history as a beauty queen in the United States (Photo: Evelyn Beltrán / Instagram)Toni Costa’s new partner has a history as a beauty queen in the United States (Photo: Evelyn Beltrán / Instagram)


confirmation of the relationship

In February 2022, after a class he was teaching in Miami, the Spanish dancer was intercepted by a journalist for testimony from him, and there he finally confessed everything.

“My heart has been busy for a while now, so I’m very good, very calm and happy, mostly happy. Everyone already knows it, researches it well,” said the artist about the gossip“. When asked if it was Evelyn, Toni said yes.

“Can’t you see my smile? Everything is fine, it is important that love prevails, what can I tell you? I’m very happy, very calm,” he added.

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The surprise party for Evelyn Beltrán

At the end of February, after the news of the relationship was already confirmed, the Spanish dancer prepared a surprise party for his beloved, who turned 27.

Evelyn Beltrán’s closest friends were invited to the pool party, and she thanked her current partner for the lovely gesture with a video posted to her Instagram account.

The Love Gifts

As is usual with media couples, both characters began pursuing a few publications Instagramwhich makes it clear that their love is of the highest order.

For example, there was an occasion when Evelyn Beltrán dedicated the song “Inédito” to Toni Costa Franz Rozzano.


She is a 28-year-old influencer who has been nicknamed on social media as “the bichota.’ He owes his fame above all tick tockwhere he uploads his exercise and dance routines.

According to her profiles, she is Mexican and lives in Texas. It is also important to note that she has participated in quite a few beauty pageants on American soil.

Besides as well Tony Costashe has a son named Timothyso that they can understand each other perfectly from this point of view.


Quique Usales was the one who asked the question Adamari Lopez. The driver wanted to know how she was doing and whether she already knew about her daughter’s father’s new partner, which she answered in the affirmative.

In addition, she assured with great sincerity that she wants it Tony Costa Be very happy in this new phase of life, as this will benefit you Alaia.

“Obviously this is nothing new for me. It seems to me that we must always wish her good luck, many good things, because everything we wish for our environment has an impact, especially in my case on my daughter and what I want is that she does it be healthy,” the actress said on Telemundo screens. MORE DETAILS HERE.

MORE INFORMATION: This is how Adamari López and Toni Costa celebrated the 7th birthday of their daughter Alaïa

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Timbo Dominguez is a health coach and bodybuilder who was a partner of Evelyn Beltranwith whom do you have a son named Timothy. The young man gained notoriety during his more than eight-year courtship with the Mexican with whom he lived United States.

The athlete likes to use them social mediawhere he shares not only pictures but also snapshots of his anatomy with his son to spread the word about his achievements in terms of physique and thus motivate others to follow his path. MORE DETAILS HERE.