Irina Malandina, Roman Abramovich’s exwife, risks losing her fortune of 240 million euros: “She is afraid of finding herself with nothing”. Here because

A Assets worth 240 million eurosincluding many properties in Great Britain, a French chateau, the Pelorus yacht and the Boeing 737 private jet. Much of the wealth of Irina Malandinathe second wife of Roman Abramovich. Because? It is the effect of the sanctions imposed by the EU. Under the blows of the measures imposed on the Russian oligarchs in Europe after the invasion of Ukraine, which have already severely affected part of their wealth between the confiscation of boats and luxurious real estate even the fruit of a divorce agreement that has gone down in history could be undone, which cost the former owner of oil and gas magnate Chelsie over $300 million in paperwork alone in 2007. From this “treasure”, the result of a separation after sixteen years of relationship, only the massive maintenance payments for the five children Ilya, Arina, Sofia, Arkadiy and Anna with Abramovich remained.

What could be done with the rest of the fortune instead? Malandina may have to pack her bags and be forced to leave the luxurious London mansion or yacht. But also other characteristics of a financial nature. He may even tremble at a return to normalcy who lived before he met Abramovich. When she worked as a flight attendant. But despite the flaunted luxury and propensity for worldliness, Malandina has always been a very generous woman. A sign that he may not have forgotten the family he comes from. Her father missed her when she was a girl and her mother a waitress. A former bodyguard, explaining to the English tabloids, told the British tabloids of his terror at going back to his origins, at the wealth he had after his marriage (and after his divorce): “Before he was at all the important parties in London, now she’s afraid of finding herself with nothing and being kicked out of Britain“.

And Roman Abramovich? It is known that he would have transferred his company to a Chelsea board member with investments in the tens of millions. Exactly on February 24th, the date of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Incidence? British parliamentarians were the first to accuse the government as Reuters reported of not having implemented the sanctions in time. This would have allowed the Russian oligarchs to flee and dispose of many possessions. As the tycoon Abramovic is suspected. Recall: Abramovic is estimated by today forbesafter ranking in real time, 11th richest man in Russia with a fortune over $13 billion. And Irina Malandina is his exwife and mother of his five children, although she trembles at the risk of severe EU sanctions being imposed on her millionaire fortune. You can be sure. After all, he too had a difficult childhood and youth. It is worth tracing his early years in the story told to Forbes magazine by Vladimir Tyurin, a Moscow toy dealer.

One day, in the 1980s, he brought a shopping bag home to an employee. The surprise: He found a mattress on the floor, like a bed, nails for hangers, sandbags and boxes instead of chairs. “Roman lived in misery”, was his report in the Moscow daily Moskovskj Komsomolets. “What little money he earned he spent on perfumes, white shirts and dark trousers. He told me he did it so he could give orders. That novel was just Roman Abramovich, he was 20 and hated soccer. He had not even graduated from university and had served a short time in the Soviet Army. When Tyurin hired him, he asked him what he wanted to do with his life. “Buy the worldWas the answer.