For at least a few years now, Lindsay Lohan seems to be at this particular stage of fame where she is could to go back to the traditional show business if she wants, it’s just for her to do it and someone with money to decide to pay for it. Well, Netflix is ​​a man of money and seems more than happy to fund Lindsay Lohanissance if no one else wants to.

Last Maythe streaming service announced that Lohan will return to acting after years of doing various other things Falling for Christmasa romantic comedy about an avid hotel heiress who gets amnesia and falls in love with the owner of a blue-collar hut, played by Chord Overstreet by Joy. This movie will probably be out near Christmas sometime, but today Netflix announced that it is making two additional movies with Lohan … and we don’t know anything about them.

Netflix shared the news on Twitter that would make the two-faced heads spin, pointing out that “the world first fell in love with Lindsay Lohan when she played a set of twins” and that now the streamer “gives the world twice as much as Lindsay’s love through a creative partnership that will see her star in two new movies. ” (You see, there are a lot of “two” images, which is something Two-Face likes.)

But what will these movies be like? Well, Netflix originals usually fall into two categories: Prestigious projects that cost a lot of money and garbage. Prestigious movies are sometimes nasty, and garbage movies are sometimes exciting (not to mention extremely popular), but they are what they are. So we look forward to seeing Lindsay Lohan’s two Oscar-winning epics whenever Netflix tries to make them and tell us what they are.