The cancer survivor welcomes the miracle baby at 2:22 a.m. on February 22, 2022.

VERY happy ‘Two-day’! A cancer survivor who thought she would never be able to have children gave birth to a “miracle” baby girl at 2:22 a.m. on February 22, 2022 in delivery room 2.

Aberly Spear gave birth to her daughter Judah Grace Spear on February 22, 2022, who was nicknamed “Two-Day”

After 26 hours of childbirth, she gave birth in the maternity ward №2 of RMC Alamans

Aberley was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2014, and because of treatment, doctors said she would probably never have children.

Judas was born weighing 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and Aberley’s mother called her a “miracle.”

from Carly Stern for

Published: 17:46 GMT, 23 February 2022 | Updated: 20:18 GMT, 23 February 2022

A mother who was told for the first time that she would probably never have children because of her battle with cancer welcomed this two-day-old baby prodigy.

Aberly Spear gave birth to her daughter Judah Grace Spear on February 22, 2022 – February 22, 2022 – at the ideal time of 2:22 p.m.

After 26 hours of childbirth, she gave birth in the maternity ward No. 2 of RMC Alamans.

“Today is a special ‘two days’ for this newborn and her family!” Cone Health Alamance Regional Medical Center writes in a Facebook post.

Aberly Spear gave birth to her daughter Judah Grace Spear on February 22, 2022 – February 22, 2022 – at the ideal time of 2:22 p.m.

After 26 hours of childbirth, she gave birth in the maternity ward №2 of RMC Alamans

The coincidence came as a surprise to Aberley and her husband, Hank.

“I heard all the nurses screaming in excitement and I said to myself, ‘What’s going on?'” Aberley said WFMY2 News.

– I looked [Hank] and I said to myself, “What time was she born?” He was like, “2:22,” and I was like, “Oh, good!”

The hospital shared the exciting news on Facebook later that day, explaining why Judah was a particularly happy baby for her parents.

“Judas is an answered prayer for her family,” they said. “Aberly’s mother survived Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and the necessary cancer treatments she underwent make pregnancy unlikely.”

Aberley was diagnosed in 2014, three months after meeting Hank – who came to terms with the thought of never having children.

Aberley has survived Hodgkin’s lymphoma and the necessary cancer treatments she has undergone make pregnancy unlikely, the hospital said

“God’s ideal moment; He never makes mistakes, “Aberley said

Typical options for treating Hodgkin’s lymphoma include chemotherapy and radiation, and Aberley said she said she “probably couldn’t have children.”

“But the family continued to pray for a while – and today their prayer was answered!” Wrote the hospital.

Judas was born weighing 7 pounds, 10 ounces.

“Judah Grace’s name fits her story perfectly. Judas means “praise” – and she is a blessing to her family! “The hospital’s Facebook post continues.

“God’s ideal moment; He never makes mistakes, “Aberley said.

Christie Engelbrecht, Aberley’s mother, told WFMY News 2 that the birth of Judas was a miracle after her daughter’s six-year battle with cancer.

“Judah is a reminder of all good, God’s fulfilled promises, and a community that unites for each other’s good,” she said.

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