Ukraine war, Biden poll: 7 out of 10 Americans don’t trust

The war in Ukraine drove Joe Biden’s popularity even further down, hitting 40%, an alltime low since he began his presidency. A poll published by Nbcnews reports that seven in 10 Americans have little faith in the president’s ability to handle the conflict. And even more, eight out of ten fear the war will lead to rising energy prices and even the use of nuclear weapons.

The poll, conducted between March 18 and March 22, ahead of Biden’s European trip, confirms the red flags for the White House and Democrats seven months ahead of the midterm elections. 55% of respondents disapprove of the President’s work, only 40% support it.

The erosion of Biden’s popularity can also be seen among the groups that make up his constituency, falling from 64% to 625 for African Americans, from 51% to 44% for women, and from 48% to 39% for Hispanics. Even lower in the crucial group of independents, where it falls from 36% to 32%.

For the overwhelming majority, 72 percent, America is on the wrong track, and just 28 percent of those polled say they have faith in Biden’s handling of the crisis, in domestic economic issues, and in the surge in gasoline and the war in Ukraine among others Prices (83%), but 82% of respondents fear a nuclear escalation and 74% that the United States will have to send its own military into combat.

Also because the majority of Americans, 57%, believe that the United States is already at war with Russia, 16%, or will be within a year, 41%.