Senator Mark WarnerMark Robert WarnerSunday Previews: US, Allies Increase Pressure on Russia; Jackson undergoes Hillicon Valley confirmation hearings – Warner keeps tabs on Russia
Vladimir Vladimirovich PutinRussian missile strikes injured five in western Ukrainian city of Lviv If we delist the IRGC, what will the dictators think? Putin’s war on Ukrainian civilians is not new – nor will it work MORE is the one trying to initiate regime change after President Biden
Joe BidenRussian missile strikes injured five in western Ukrainian city of Lviv If we delist the IRGC, what will the dictators think? Biden proposes minimum tax for household billionaires MORE proposed removing Putin from power over the weekend.
Dana BashDana BashGraham says he would support no-fly zone in Ukraine if Russia uses chemical weapons Latvian president says NATO troop presence is needed permanently in Baltics Klobuchar says sending US fighter jets to Poland won’t be ruled out MORE, host of CNN’s “State of the Union,” Warner asked if he thought Biden’s comments had caused any harm in Poland. During a speech in Warsaw, Biden called Putin a “butcher,” adding, “For God’s sake, this man can’t stay in power.”
“Well, Dana, there is one person who is trying to change the regime in Europe. And this is Vladimir Putin trying to change the regime in Ukraine,” said Warner, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
“At the end of the day, the regime in Russia is determined by the Russian people. And I hope that the Russian people will make these decisions for the future,” he added.
“Apparently Putin exaggerated in Ukraine. The Russian forces falter. And I think that’s partly because they know they’re engaged in an illegal war, but it will be up to the Russian people to make that decision.”
Following Biden’s remark, which came at the end of a high-profile trip to shine a spotlight on NATO’s unity in fighting Putin, a White House official quickly tried to retract the remark, telling reporters, “The president felt that Putin must not be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region.”
Bash asked Warner if he supported a US policy of regime change in Russia.
“It is up to the Russian people to determine who will be in power in the Kremlin,” Warner reiterated, while noting that Putin’s actions have placed Russia in “the status of a pariah nation.”