Today, March 27, 2022, the Santiago de Cuba Provincial Health Surveillance Agency reports that 21 confirmed cases of COVID-19 resulted from a total of 256 samples processed. 100% are native. Of the cases, 20 have Cuban and one Dutch nationality.
According to the municipalities: Santiago de Cuba reports 13 cases a day, followed by Contramaestre and II Frente with 2 cases each, Palma Soriano, San Luís, III Frente and Mella each report 1 case. Of these, 16 are contacts from confirmed cases (3 intradomicially and 13 extradomicially). No imported cases are reported on this day.
The 13 cases in the municipality of Santiago de Cuba are distributed as follows: From District I, the Julián Grimau area reports 1 case. In District II, the Camilo Torres area reports 1 case. 1 case each is reported in district III, in the city area and on September 28. District IV, Armando García area reports 3 cases and Josué País 2 cases. In the towns of Boniato and Caney, they each report 2 cases a day. Today, 894 people remain hospitalized (325 confirmed, 569 suspects and 0 under surveillance).
Of the confirmed cases, all belong to the province of Santiago de Cuba. 178 discharges are reported on the day, 60 recovered patients are reported. 187 contacts of positive cases of the day are identified, an average of 8 contacts per patient. By municipality: Santiago de Cuba 137, San Luis and II Front 11 respectively, Contramaestre 9, Mella 8, Palma Soriano 7 and III Front 4.
4 patients are admitted to ICU, reported as critically unstable 1, critically stable 1 and critically ill 2, all admitted to Ambrosio Grillo Hospital. No incidents were reported in pediatric age. No deaths were reported that day. There are 585 deaths in the entire pandemic, 3 in the first phase, 550 in the second and 32 from October 20 to date.
The health authorities recommend maintaining the measures to prevent COVID-19 or other respiratory infections in the office and warn in case of respiratory symptoms such as cough, fatigue, sore throat, headache and muscle aches, fever and sneezing to go to your GP immediately. If you have your full vaccination schedule with Abdala or any other vaccine, apply the booster dose.