France: Airconditioning shops banned from opening their doors while operating Oeste Magazine

The French government will force airconditioning shops to keep their doors closed during operation and limit lighting. The rule is an attempt to reduce energy waste as announced by the Minister for Ecological Transition, Agnes PannierRunacheron Sunday the 24th

Energy costs in Europe have skyrocketed since Russia invaded Ukraine. In addition, the French population experiences extremely hot days, which increases the demand for air conditioning.

In France, establishments that do not comply with the measure to close their doors will be fined up to €750 (approximately R$4,000).

“Leaving the doors open when the air conditioning is on is absurd,” the minister told local broadcaster RMC.

The minister said she would issue two decrees on energy waste in the coming days. The first extends the ban on illuminated advertising between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m., regardless of the size of the city. And the second will ban stores from opening their doors while the air conditioning and heating are on.

The ban on lighting signs is already in place in areas with fewer than 800,000 residents, and anyone not complying with the order will be fined €1,500 (R$8,300), with the exception of airports and train stations. .

Also read: “Environmental psychosis threatens the world”, report published in issue 121 of Revista Oeste