Social media always proves to be a double-edged sword and even the former Tronista from Men and Women eventually blurted out
On social media, it’s not always possible to spot the line that’s been crossed too often without realizing it. The former tronist of Maria De Filippi’s dating show couldn’t make it anymore and published a lengthy tirade.
The logo and throne of the famous dating show (per screenshot)
Leaving Maria De Filippi’s dating show will inevitably expose you to unexpected popularity, and when social media comes into play, the story gets complicated. Among the tronists and suitors there are those who know their way around better, but in the end more or less all burst out for one reason or another. This time it was time Teresa Langellaformer Tronista and girlfriend of Andrea Del courseone of the most popular couples of all time from Maria De Filippi’s program.
Together, Teresa and Andrew they went in to live Rome and they have developed their own project: a fashion brand that they continue to run with great dedication and passion. The two were targeted following some stories the former beau posted to Instagram of himself showing off while watching videos of his girlfriend as a child. Many have highlighted the difference in lifestyle, from the two’s children to the rich Andrew and the poor a Teresa who couldn’t take it anymore.
Teresa Langella blurts out on Instagram: The former Men and Women Tronista is furious
Teresa Langella and Andrea Dal Corso (instagram)
“I find that after years I can’t take certain things anymore,” he began Teresa Langella, “Because they just feel out of place for me, they don’t make any sense and then I get really sick, I’ll be honest. I shouldn’t pay attention to people’s wickedness, as we continue to stand on the side of good, which sooner or later life will pay us back. I have received so much good and that is why I will continue on this path. And it’s the advice I can give to people who are instead suffering from ailments that they then pour out on others, that’s not nice.
One fan trying to lend support commented: “You don’t have to blame certain people. You have a rich boyfriend, it’s the truth, but that doesn’t count in life,” the former Tronista replied, however: “Even after this news, I could have been angry, point the finger, but I don’t. Do you know why? I’m an independent woman, I’ve basically always made myself. I have never relied on a man to live my life. I’m not judging, everyone is free to live the life they want, God forbid. But then one of the things I thought was… I don’t know my partner’s bank account, how can any of you know?”.