A 28-year-old woman has been arrested after stabbing her ex-boyfriend Hialeah on Saturday around one o’clock in the afternoon (local time). The attacker has been identified as Harlem Hernandez.
Police responded at 1068 West and 44th Terrace after initially receiving reports of an attempted armed robbery that turned out to be nothing.
“During the investigation, it was determined that no attempted armed robbery had ever occurred,” Hialeah Police said in a statement quoted by the local press, clarifying that the fight was a domestic fight involving a man from was stabbed to death by his ex-girlfriend.
According to authorities, the young woman came to the house that day to get her things, an argument broke out, she took a knife and attacked the man, who is also the father of her daughter.
The victim of the attack was taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital in stable condition.
Hernandez – whose nationality has not been revealed – is facing charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and bail has been set at $7,500.
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