Lupillo Rivera finally reveals: Did Belinda ask for a tattoo? | Instagram
Lupillo Rivera has been somewhat reticent on certain occasions when he has been questioned belindastill hinting at the possibility that there may have been something between the two in earlier statements, he finally comes clean and talks about the alleged romance and the tattoo he erased from his arm.
the singer Lupillo Rivera returned to the Belinda theme. who would again be questioned by the”SpanishThe famous 50-year-old finally clarified some of the rumors surrounding an alleged relationship with whom he was rumored to have more than a “friendship”.
The calling “Bull of the Corrido“He cleared up the doubts, including addressing the controversial issue of the tattoo that would have been done in honor of his ‘former colleague’ on the last installment of the reality show.”The voice“.
Guadalupe Martín Rivera Saavedra, better known as Lupillo Rivera, ended the speculation once and for all and denied that Belinda asked her for a tattoo, she revealed in an interview with Yordi Rosado.
The “regional music composer” of Mexican descent was transparent in the middle of the conversation he was having on the program of the author and presenter and made it “very clear that nobody forced him to do it”.
Let’s be clear, you and I talked. She showed me some photos of her fans with tattoos, there was a guy who had a tattoo, her face. And I said “I’m getting a tattoo” and she “doesn’t wear it or doesn’t like my music”.
Born “in Long Beach, California” on January 30, 1972, he shared that the tattoo would be done within eight hours and that he had no regrets as he did it on his own initiative.
That evening he had a trip to “Las Vegas”. There I started looking for a tattoo artist, I told him send me a photo to choose from, ‘no you can’t wear that’. It took eight hours to put on, he explained.
Nevertheless, the “Ex-spouse of Mayeli Alonso“He reiterated that he has no regrets about doing it, nor did his current wife Giselle ask him to put it out and it was she who accompanied him to take it off.
Finally, Lupillo Rivera gave his opinion on the tattoos Christian Nodal would have done of the singer, pointing out that “he felt his would have been done better”.
When Nodal tattooed Belinda-no, I just said, ehh, the tattoo is two three, mine…
Responding to the scratches Lupillo wore on his arm to hide “Beli’s” face, prompting various jokes and memes, he replied, “That would be the idea of one of his kids.”
He grabbed a marker and all by himself… I took a picture of him and told him that’s how I want it.
Likewise, he clarified the annotated work the tattoo artist would have done: “For those who don’t know, they do the work the client asks for,” he reported.