A Fazenda 14: After admitting breach of contract, Record would analyze Pétala’s expulsion, says journalist


The Restricted has already starred in some moments that have been widely commented on by Internet users

By Guilherme Corte

09/16/2022 14:50 BRT

09/16/2022 14:50 BRT

Images: Reproduction/Official Petal Instagram.Images: Reproduction/Official Petal Instagram.Guilherme Corte

Yesterday afternoon, Thursday (15th), petal was due to a speech in “The farm 14“. The restricted would have admitted an alleged breach of contract with RecordTv, which is responsible for the organization and television broadcasting of the reality show and for this reason would risk being excluded from the attraction, according to information from Gabriel Perline, journalist of the portal ” .IG People”.

During a dispute between Deolane and Deborah, the redhead claimed the attorney received privileged information. Petal then revealed that he already knew this was going to happen. “For her husband to say, ‘Deborah is the only person who can beat Deolane over there,'” she said, revealing that she received information while in detention before the program.

“So, did you find out at the hotel? Did you leak that information?” Kerline asked. “Somehow it got to us. But it’s on all the gossip Instagrams,” Pétala said. It is important to note that program participants do not have access to information while in detention either during or before the rural attraction.

This afternoon, Friday (16), Gabriel Perline released some information about the possibility of Pétala being banned from the program after admitting he had breached the contract. According to the journalist, the broadcaster tends to turn a blind eye to the problem, since the peoa had been committed and caused a lot in the first few days.

However, if Pétala is actually expelled for not complying with the agreement set out in paragraph 8.1 of Annex I, which she has read, consented to and signed, according to the journalist she still has “the obligation to return all the cache and prizes that received during your program stay.”