Stefania Orlando separates from her husband Simone Gianlorenzi: “It is inevitable to take different directions”

In the end, the rumors that had been circulating for a long time turned out to be true, Stefania Orlando and her husband Simone Gianlorenzi announce their divorce. So black summer continues for VIP couples. A 2022 to forget for fans of some of showbiz’ most popular weddings. From the earthquake resulting from the “divorce of the century” Totti-Ilary, via Piquè and Shakira to Michelle Hunziker and Tommaso Trussardi. This time, the former Gieffina and her husband are added to the already long list.


Stefania Orlando: «Cowards!». The long outburst on Instagram ignites the controversy

Stefania Orlando is divorcing her husband: confirmation in a post on social media

In the stories published on her Instagram profile, Stefania Orlando wanted to clarify: “Simone and I walked hand in hand side by side on the same road for many years until we came to a crossroads, inevitable after thinking in different directions “.

The showgirl then wanted to invite respect for the privacy of the couple, who at least at that moment would have decided not to make public the reasons that officially led to the separation: “Only we know the reasons that led us to this decision . so please don’t fall into simple and useless conclusions because when we break up it’s already very painful for both of us ».

“The beautiful memories of almost 15 years together have remained, a great deal of affection, a lot of appreciation, respect and the mutual desire to be happy,” was the conclusion of the former competitor of GF Vip.

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The commitment of a crisis to verissimo

The relationship between Stefania Orlando and Simone Gianlorenzi seemed to be broken for a long time. The beginning of the crisis dates back to after the showgirl’s participation in “Big Brother Vip”. In fact, before the Orlando entered the house, the couple didn’t really seem to get along with love for a long time, the distance would have widened by an already existing gap. It’s worth noting that the photos with their respective halves hadn’t surfaced on the couple’s social media for months. The last “marital” post is from July, on the occasion of the third wedding anniversary.

Last December, in Toffanin’s living room, Stefania Orlando Verissimo confessed the moment of depression she experienced after Big Brother Vip. In fact, the showgirl said she had changed a lot after the long experience in the most spied house in Italy and tearfully admitted in front of Silvia Toffanin that she had gone through a deep inner crisis that also spilled over into the couple’s relationship.

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