by Maria Volpe
The presenter of “Ein frei Rad” from Sunday on Rai1 at 5:15 p.m. insists on the topic of free sexuality and the modern family. “How sad the politicians on Tik Tok”
Francesca Fialdini returns to Mara Venier with her Sunday afternoon program, but definitely with a different style (neither better nor worse, of course). “Freewheeling” (Sunday, Rai1, 5:15 p.m.) is certainly not a random title. “I’m not guided by expectations,” explains the journalist, “I want to break with patterns and question prejudices in order to achieve freedom and happiness for people. For example: last issue I wanted to guest Priscilla, the most famous drag queen in the world who had never set foot in Rai, especially Sunday afternoon on Rai1 in a family show. She brought her liveliness, her colors and had a tremendous success, so much so that she returned several times. And the various guests we made her “play” and sing with had a lot of fun. Priscilla used her self-mockery and was invited to the cult, even to the Perugia Journalism Festival. To me, that means enlightening a way of being and giving everyone a voice. Because Rai1 should be the home of everyone, where all positions are represented and heard, where all sensitivities find their place without ideological, moral or cultural barriers”.
Fialdini also has clear ideas on topics such as family and sexuality. “The sexuality is a bit closed, it’s still something that’s scary. Instead, we must come to terms with all of this immediately. I am thinking of gender and identity dysphoria, a key issue for the new generations. Generation gaps become very large. We must meet them and understand them; be inclusive and welcoming. Sunday’s first guest, Amanda Lear, goes in that direction.” Another theme close to Francesca’s heart is the family with the new meaning of today, that is, an open family, new modern “not necessarily the traditional one. It seems to me to be a way of photographing reality. Public service television must reconcile and include”. In short, it seems clear that entertainment for Fialdini must be closely linked to current events.
“Civil rights are paramount – he stresses – and must not be forgotten during the show either.” And then the topic of social media, not understood by young people. “I don’t like politicians who pounce on Tik Tok like they’re 20, it’s an invasion of the field. It is not enough to enter the children’s room to talk to the child, you also have to get your hands dirty. It is not enough to use Tik Tok to understand young people, we must also provide opportunities in terms of relationships. The ailments our children have are fractures that must be healed, otherwise we will lose the best part of our country along the way”.
September 16, 2022 (Change September 16, 2022 | 20:17)